Hillbillies & Vikings

Person Page 116

Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Gilbert F. Long

M, #2876
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Amelia Lorenzen

F, #2886, b. 1865


FatherJohn Lorenzen
MotherEngel Christina Johansen (b. 12 November 1821, d. 17 April 1911)


Amelia Lorenzen was born in 1865.
Records of St. John's Lutheran Church in Port Clinton, Ohio. Baptism1 December1889, Parents Thomas Silverwood & Amalie geb Lorensen,birthdate 3 Feb. 1888, child Wilhelm; Sponsors Ipke Lorensen & frau.Note: I don't know if this is Amelia or not.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Anna Fredericka Lorenzen

F, #2887, b. 22 August 1891, d. 19 July 1977


FatherLorenz J. Lorenzen (b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905)
MotherCatherine Kruse (b. 30 August 1855, d. 22 December 1947)


Anna Fredericka Lorenzen was born on 22 August 1891. She died on 19 July 1977 in Ohio, USA, at the age of 85. She was buried in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Anna Fredericka Lorenzen was also known as Anna Fredericka Schmitt. According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Aunt Annie wastall and skinny. She was very kind hearted but was known for'murdering the King's English'. When her son, Paul, went away tocollege and was going through fraternity rush, Aunt Annie toldeveryone that he didn't know whether to go 'Philadelphian' or'Debater'. She meant Phi Delt or Beta. Record from St. John's LutheranChurch, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Baptism 1891, 18October. Parents, Lorens Lorensen & Katharine geb Kruse; Birthdate, 22August 1891; Child, Anna Frederike; Sponsors, Fredrike Lorensen, LinaLorensen, Jens Jensen. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Confirmation Class, 24 March1907; Anna Friedericka Lorenzen; Birthdate, 22 August 1891; BaptismDate, 18 October 1891; Parents, Lorenz & Catherine (Kruse) Lorenzen. She was christened on 18 October 1891 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Dorothea Marie Lorenzen

F, #2888, b. 20 September 1881, d. 1 November 1963


FatherLorenz J. Lorenzen (b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905)
MotherCatherine Kruse (b. 30 August 1855, d. 22 December 1947)

Family: Nick T. Tadsen (b. 7 October 1872, d. 12 March 1965)

DaughterEunice Irene Tadsen (b. 9 September 1902, d. 12 April 1994)
DaughterKathryn Margaret Tadsen (b. 25 December 1909)


Dorothea Marie Lorenzen was born on 20 September 1881 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.1 She married Nick T. Tadsen, son of Magnus Tadsen, on 16 May 1901 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.1 She died on 1 November 1963 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA, at the age of 82.1 She was buried in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.1
Dorothea Marie Lorenzen was also known as Dorothea Marie Tadsen. She was also known as Dora Lorenzen.1 She was christened on 27 October 1881 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.1 According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Dorothea did not finish High School. Despite the objections of her parents, she dropped out with only one year until graduation.1
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Elsie Marie Lorenzen

F, #2889, b. 4 October 1889, d. 24 April 1919


FatherLorenz J. Lorenzen (b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905)
MotherCatherine Kruse (b. 30 August 1855, d. 22 December 1947)


Elsie Marie Lorenzen was born on 4 October 1889. She died on 24 April 1919 at the age of 29. She was buried in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Elsie Marie Lorenzen was also known as Elsie Marie Ball. According to the recollections of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Aunt Elsiewas very bright and a very stylish person, always dressed in thelatest fashions. Family history indicates that she had purchased a newEaster suit. Even though the weather on Easter was quite cold, shewore the new suit to church and did not wear a coat. She caughtpneumonia and died. Her funeral visitation was held in the parlor ofKathryn Tadsen's home at 317 Jackson Street, Port Clinton, Ohio.Relatives 'sat up all night' with the body while it was in the home.In accordance with the local custom a black wreath was placed on thefront door to indicate a house in mourning. Kathryn Tadsen Sharp saysthe memory of Aunt Elsie's body being in her home gave her a lifelongdislike for funerals. After Aunt Elsie's death, her husband, JeromeBall, remarried and lived in Toledo. Adelaide, Elsie and Jerome'sonly child, and Kathryn Tadsen Sharp were only one year apart in ageand were quite close. Her stepmother sent Adelaide to Port Clinton fora visit and she stayed with the Tadsens. Her stepmother sent a lot offancy clothes for Adelaide to wear during the visit. Dora Tadsen,thinking they were 'too good' to play in, gave her some of Tad'splayclothes. When the stepmother came to pick Adelaide up at theconclusion of the visit, she was horrified to learn that Adelaide hadnot worn her 'good clothes'. 'What would the people of Port Clintonthink?' Adelaide was never allowed to visit again. Notes of GretchenRader Valentine dated 3/14/95 state Elsie Marie Ball died April 24,1919 age 30 years. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Baptism: 1889 1 December;Parents, Lorens Lorensen & Kath. geb Kruse; Birthdate, 4 October 1889;Child, Elsa Marie; Sponsors, Theresa Nissen, Marie Detjen, BenedixPetersen. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio.Received 7 April 1995. Confirmation Class, 27 March 1904, Elsie MarieLorenzen, Birthdate, 4 October 1889; Parents, Lorenz & Katherine(Kruse) Lorenzen. She was christened on 1 December 1889 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Epke Lorenzen

M, #2890, b. 7 March 1851, d. 11 April 1936


FatherJohn Lorenzen
MotherEngel Christina Johansen (b. 12 November 1821, d. 17 April 1911)

Family: Frederiecke Selmer (b. 1846, d. 1948)

SonFriederich Theodor Lorenzen (b. 20 March 1883)
DaughterFreada Marie Lorenzen (b. 19 December 1889)


Epke Lorenzen was born on 7 March 1851 in Schleswig, Schleswig-Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He married Frederiecke Selmer on 27 October 1881 in Ottawa, Ohio, USA. He died on 11 April 1936 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA, at the age of 85.
Certificate of Death: 1. Place of death, County Ottawa; RegistrationDistrict No. 981; File No. 35; Township, blank, Primary RegistrationDistrict No. 3039; Village, Port Clinton; How long in U.S., if offoreign birth?, 65 years 2. Full name, Epke Lorenzen, Residence No.214 W. 5th Street; Did deceased serve in the U.S. Navy or Army? No; 3.Sex, male 4. race, white; 5. Married 5a. wife, Frederiecke Selmer 6.Date of birth, March 7, 1851 7. Age: 85 years, 1 month, 4 days 8.Trade or profession, Foreman commercial fisheries 9. Industry orbusiness in which work was done, Great Lakes 10. Date deceased lastworked at this occupation, July 1930 11. Total time spent in thisoccupation, life 12. Birthplace, Horsbull, Germany 13. Father's fullname, Fedder Johansen 14. Birthplace, Germany 15. Mother's maidenname, Eoegel Johansen, 16. Birthplace, Germany 17. Informant, Mrs.Andrew Lausten, Port Clinton 18. Burial or Cremation or Removal place,Port Clinton, date 4-14-36 19. Funeral director, F.S. Neidecker, Lic.No. 1334 19a. Was body embalmed?, yes, Emblalmer's Lic. No. 4054 -A20. Filed 4-14-36, Harry R. Nissen, Registrar. Medical Certificate ofDeath 21. Date of Death, April 11, 1936. 22. I hereby certify that Iattended the deceased from 3-25-36 to 4-11-1936. I last saw him aliveon 4-11-36, death is said to have occurred on the date stated aboveat 9:30 p.m. The principal cause of death and related causes ofimportance in order of onset were as follows: arteriolsclerosis,coronary disease, cardiac insufficiency. Contributory causes ofimportance not related to principal cause, Hypertrophy of prospeto,semility, urenary obstruction. Name of operation, none. Was there anautopsy? blank. 23. If death was due to internal causes fill in theblanks, blank. 24. Was disease or injury in any way related to theoccupation of the deceased? No. Signed S.G. Marino M.D. date,4-13-1936. Address, Port Clinton. NOTE: I believe the name of Epke'sfather is John Lorenzen. The name Johansen was the maiden name ofEpke's mother. Records from St. John's Lutheran Church in PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Marriage Date: 27 October 1881;Groom Ipke Lorensen; Bride Friedericka Selmer; Witnesses: A. Thomsen,Anna Bahnsen, R. Jecksen, Auguste Schabbo.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Freada Marie Lorenzen

F, #2891, b. 19 December 1889


FatherEpke Lorenzen (b. 7 March 1851, d. 11 April 1936)
MotherFrederiecke Selmer (b. 1846, d. 1948)


Freada Marie Lorenzen was born on 19 December 1889.
Records from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received7 April 1995. Confirmation Class 27 March 1904; Birthdate 19 Dec.1889; Baptism date 23 May 1890; Parents Epke & Friedericka (Selmer)Lorenzen. Records from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Baptism 23 March 1890 (NOTE: This differentfrom date in note above.) Parents Ipke & Friedericke geb Selmer;Birthdate 19 Dec 1889; Child Frida Johanna (NOTE: Name is differentthan in note above.) Sponsors Kath. Lorensen, M? Silverwood, Wilh.Selmer. Freada Marie Lorenzen was christened on 23 May 1890 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Frederick Lorenzen

M, #2892, b. 1863


FatherJohn Lorenzen
MotherEngel Christina Johansen (b. 12 November 1821, d. 17 April 1911)


Frederick Lorenzen was born in 1863.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Friederich Theodor Lorenzen

M, #2893, b. 20 March 1883


FatherEpke Lorenzen (b. 7 March 1851, d. 11 April 1936)
MotherFrederiecke Selmer (b. 1846, d. 1948)


Friederich Theodor Lorenzen was born on 20 March 1883.
Records from St. John's Lutheran Church in Port Clinton, Ohio.Received 7 April 1995. Baptism 20 May 1883; Parents Ipke Lorensen andFriedericka geb Selmer; Birthdate 20 March 1883; child FriederichTheodor; Sponsors Engel Lorensen, Lorenz Lorensen, Bendix Peterson. Friederich Theodor Lorenzen was christened on 20 May 1883 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

John Lorenzen

M, #2894

Family: Engel Christina Johansen (b. 12 November 1821, d. 17 April 1911)

SonEpke Lorenzen+ (b. 7 March 1851, d. 11 April 1936)
SonLorenz J. Lorenzen+ (b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905)
SonFrederick Lorenzen (b. 1863)
DaughterAmelia Lorenzen (b. 1865)


Source of the names of the parents of Lorence Lorenzen was a note ona piece of stationery in the Tadsen family Bible in the possession ofKathryn Tadsen Sharp.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Lorenz J. Lorenzen

M, #2895, b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905


FatherJohn Lorenzen
MotherEngel Christina Johansen (b. 12 November 1821, d. 17 April 1911)

Family: Catherine Kruse (b. 30 August 1855, d. 22 December 1947)

DaughterDorothea Marie Lorenzen+ (b. 20 September 1881, d. 1 November 1963)
DaughterRosine Christina 'Rosa' Lorenzen (b. 15 March 1884, d. 1 February 1894)
DaughterElsie Marie Lorenzen (b. 4 October 1889, d. 24 April 1919)
DaughterAnna Fredericka Lorenzen (b. 22 August 1891, d. 19 July 1977)


Lorenz J. Lorenzen was born in 1854. He married Catherine Kruse, daughter of John Kruse and Anna Maria, on 17 February 1881 in Ottawa, Ohio, USA. Lorenz J. Lorenzen died on 3 September 1905 at the age of ~51. He was buried in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Card in the possession of Gretchen Valentine in loving remembrance ofLawrence Lorenzen, Died September 3, 1905, Age 50 years. According toa newspaper article titled, Hard Work Responsible for a Young Mindand Body, Ninety Year Old Resident Declares, about Catherine Kruse'Tena' Lorenzen, her husband, Lawrence, was a fisherman and later asaloon keeper in Port Clinton. Deed: Port Clinton Cemetery, Clerk ofthe Village of Port Clinton, Ohio to Lawrence Lorenzen, Lot No. 119,Sub-Div. C, for the sum of $21.00 Recorded April 21, 1903, on Page 141of the records of said Cemetery. Wm. Cleaver, Clerk Copy given to meby Kathryn Tadsen Sharp. According to the recollections of KathrynTadsen Sharp, Uncle Epke Lorenzen (1851-1936) and Aunt 'Rickey'Friederike (1862-1948) were related to the Krietzfelts-- they arementioned in the letter of Emma Matthiessen to Magnus Tadsen (seenotes for Magnus Tadsen). Aunt Rickey was also a witness on NickTadsen's Registration of Birth. I am still not sure of theserelationships. Ipke Lorenzen married Reika Selmer, Ottawa County,Ohio, 27 October 1881 (my notes). I ordered a death certificate forEpke Lorenzen. I think he may be Lawrence's brother. His deathcertificate states that he was born in Horsbull, Germany. It says hisfather's name was Fedder Johansen born in Germany and the maiden nameof his mother was Eoegel Johansen, born in Germany. How can this be ifhis last name was Lorenzen? The informant was Mrs. Andrew Lausten(Freida), Epke's daughter. The death certificate of Lawrence's mother,Engel Christina Lorenzen states that her parents' name was Johansen.This must be further investigated. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen was said to have been a 'sharp dresser'. He alwayswore a starched shirt and had his initials monogrammed on the cuff. Heowned the Lorenzen Saloon on Second Street in downtown Port Clintonand his family lived above the saloon. It is said that he alwayswanted to get a piano, but Tena, his wife, always squelched the ideasaying if there was ever a fire they would never get it out becausethey lived on the second floor. According to Kathryn Tadesen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen always let people 'run up a tab' in his saloon.Grandma always said that if everyone who owed him money had paid him,they would be rich. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp there was afamily story about Grandpa Lorenzen being gored to death by a bull.She thinks maybe this could have been Grandpa Lorenzen's father, butshe doesn't know. Marriage Date from microfiche at Fort Wayne,Indiana. Note time between marriage and birth of first child. Nodeath certificate for Lawrence is recorded in Ottawa County, Ohio.Perhaps he died in another county. Notes of Gretchen Rader Valentinedated 3/14/95 state that Geshe Katrina Kruse married John LawrenceLorensen on Feb. 17, 188?. Should I look for Lorenz under the nameJohn? Is that why I can't find his death certificate? Her notesfurther state that he died September 3, 1905 age 49 years. MarriageRecord from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received7 April 1995. Marriage date , 17 February 1881; Groom, LorenzLorensen; Bride, Catharine Kruse. Record from St. John's LutheranChurch, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Death & Funeral,1905. 3 September, 7:00 p.m.; 5 September, 2:00 p.m. Lorenz Lorenzen,born 6 August 1856 at Horsbul Schleswig, baptized and confirmed. Cameto America in 1873. Married to K. Kruse 17 Feb 1881. 4 children wereborn to them. Cause of death: rheumatism. Age: 49y 28d. Survivors:wife, 3 daughters, mother, 5 sisters and bro. Note: Death date ontombstone is 1854. Note: Letter to me from Natalie Bredbeck dated 5April 1995 suggests that I write to the Lutheran Church in Horsbull,Schleswig-Holstein Germany ( a town on the Germany Denmark border).The zip code is 25924. BOOK: ?SEVERAL VOLUMES PASSENGER LISTS GERMANSTO AMERICA INDEXED BY NAME AND YEAR - Page 122 Ship Holsatia, FromHamburg and Havre to New York, arrived 9 April 1873. Lorensen, Lorenz,17, male, laborer, Germany, Code shows province and village unknown.Other Lorensens on the same ship: Lorensen, Friedrike, 24, female,SGL, Germany; Lorensen, Lorenz, 15, male, laborer, Germany; Lorensen,Peter, 23, farmer, Germany, and under his name Ludwig (no last name -as if they were together) 23, male, farmer, Germany (twins?);Lorensen, Anna C., 20, female, SNG, Germany; Lorentsen (sic), Heinr.,18, male, farmer, Germany. Where was the rest of his family? Did theycome later? All the Lorenzen kids on the 1880 census were born inSchleswig. Did Johann Kruse die before Anna came here? Look further inpassenger records from Germany. Horsbull is on the Germany/DenmarkBorder in Schleswig Holstein. The zip code for Horsbuull is 25924.PHON: CONT cemetery. The man there said they had no information. Ialso PHON: CONT called The Gerner & Wolf Funeral Home and they saidthey have PHON: CONT no records before 1926.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Rosine Christina 'Rosa' Lorenzen

F, #2896, b. 15 March 1884, d. 1 February 1894


FatherLorenz J. Lorenzen (b. 1854, d. 3 September 1905)
MotherCatherine Kruse (b. 30 August 1855, d. 22 December 1947)


Rosine Christina 'Rosa' Lorenzen was born on 15 March 1884 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA. She died on 1 February 1894 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA, at the age of 9. She was buried in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Rosie Lorenzen died at the age of 10 (not according to deathcertificate) during a diphtheria epidemic in Port Clinton. KathrynTadsen Sharp has a white china 'pap boat' in her china closet that wasused to try to force food and medicine down Rosie's swollen throat.Tombstone in Lakeview Cemetery in Port Clinton, Ohio is enscribedRose, Dau of C. & L. Lorenzen, 1884-1894. Certified Copy of DeathRecord. The State of Ohio, Ottawa County. Date of Record, blank; No.4. Name in Full, Rosa Lorensen; Date of Death: Year, 1894, Month,February, Day 1; Condition: Married, Widowed, or Single, single; Age:Years, blank, Months, 9, Days, 11; Place of Death, Port Clinton, Ohio;Place of Birth, Port Clinton, Ohio; Occupation, child; Name ofParents, blank; Color, white; Cause of Death, Diptheria; Last Place ofResidence, Port Clinton. Record of Deaths, Vol. 1894-1908, Page 140,Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, Port Clinton, Ottawa County,Ohio. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio.Received 7 April 1995. Baptism 1884. 18 May, Parents, Lorenz Lorenzen& Catharine geb Kruse; Birthdate, 15 March 1884; Child, RosineChristina; Sponsors, Christine Petersen, Anna Schmidt, Ipke Lorensen. Rosine Christina 'Rosa' Lorenzen was christened on 18 May 1884 in Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Charles W. Lovegrove

M, #2898, b. 6 January 1910, d. 8 September 1933


FatherEdward Warren Lovegrove (b. 1883, d. 1965)
MotherCharlotte Hammond (b. 1884, d. 1965)


Charles W. Lovegrove was born on 6 January 1910. He died on 8 September 1933 at the age of 23.
Died at age 24.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Edward Warren Lovegrove

M, #2899, b. 1883, d. 1965

Family: Charlotte Hammond (b. 1884, d. 1965)

SonWarren G. Lovegrove (b. 1907)
SonCharles W. Lovegrove (b. 6 January 1910, d. 8 September 1933)


Edward Warren Lovegrove was born in 1883. He died in 1965 at the age of ~82. He was buried in New York, USA.
Died at age 81 years.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Warren G. Lovegrove

M, #2900, b. 1907


FatherEdward Warren Lovegrove (b. 1883, d. 1965)
MotherCharlotte Hammond (b. 1884, d. 1965)


Warren G. Lovegrove was born in 1907.
Place of Residence (1977): Troy Towers Apartments, Troy, New York,12180.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50