Daniel Black and his wife are buried in the Bobo Cemetery in Vinton County, Ohio. It is located in Section 34, from U.S. 50, North on State Route 356, just North of County Road 35 behind the township house.
On 21 May 1995 Susie, Rob, Amy & Reid Sharp visited this cemetery. A Knox Township trustee, Sandy Quick, owns the property now and the cemetery, which is marked by very tall maple trees, is behind her house to the left. The cemetery is on a hill just behind a garbage dump. The cemetery has a partial wire fence around it which was put up some time ago as the wire has grown in the trees.
We found only six headstones, four of which were buried under 2-6 inches of dirt and leaves. It was necessary to dig them out of the ground with tools. The other two stones were leaning against trees. Daniel and his wife, Mary, share one stone. It was completely buried. Photos were taken. We probed the ground for headstones with a hedge trimmer, which was not a satisfactory tool for this purpose. We will have to return with a better probe to try to find other stones. Headstone for Daniel Black states: Daniel Black died August 23, 1810 aged 62 years, 1 month, & 7 days. Mary, wife of Daniel Black, died June 25, 1863 aged 79 years,10 months, 25 days.
Inscription: "Death cannot come untimely To those that's fit to die."