Susan Sharp's Notes: Book: Who, Where, When, Volume 2, Jefferson County, PA., by PatriciaSteele. (a) 7 November 1889 death of son of Gherson Doney (Jr?).(b) 1889 March 7 at Coolspring, marriage of Gerson Dony, Jr.Reynoldsville and Miss Louvina Fike of Cool Spring by Rev. F. D. Ellenberger. (c) Doney, Flora Etna, white, female, 2 years, 1month, 2 days, born Oliver Twp., deptheria 9 days, buried at Westville? 3/3/95 Garton Doney and Lavinia (7/18/95) (d) Doney, Effie, Etna,white, female, 4 years, 1 month, 6 days, died 12/12/94 at Coolspring,dephtera, buried Worthville Cem. 12/14/94 Jason Doney and Lavinia(12/26/94) (e) December 22, 1884 Margaret Doney wife of Jason DoneyJr. died near Emerickville; she was 32 years, 4 months, and 6 days. Inthe summer of 1994, Susan Reid Sharp visited the Worthville Cemeteryand could not find marked graves for these children. Marriage LicenseBook 4, Jefferson County, PA., No. 219, 3/7/1889 at Coolspring, Rev.F.D. Ellenberger, Doney, Gersan, Jr., 41 years, from Winslow Twp.,laborer, born in North Umberland Co., first marriage about 1873; firstwife died about 1883; son of Gersan Doney and Kate; and Fike, Levina,31 years from Olive Twp. born in Beaver Twp., daughter of Reitz,Godfrey and Kate. Book: Caldwell's Atlas of Jefferson County, Pa. 1878 shows the 40 acre farm of G. Doney, on the map of Pine Creek Twp. The farm is right on the border of Pine Creek and Winslow Twp. J. Mowry isshown as living right next to G. Doney on 4 acres. Jerry was G.Doney's son-in-law. In this same book, in the Advertising Business Directory of Jefferson County, Pa., The Pine Creek Township Directoryshows Doney, Sr., G; 40 acres; Post Office, Emerickville; Nativity,Penna; Occupation, farmer. Also shown as living on the same 40 acresare Wm. Doney, G. Doney Jr., & D. Doney. Jefferson County, Pa., Deathrecord, Books 1 & 2. #25 Doney, Effie Etna, W, F, Age at death, 4years,1 month, 6 days, single; Place of Birth, Fec?; Died 12 December1894 in Cool Spring; Diptheria; Interment, Worthville; Father, JersonDoney; Mother, Lavina Doney; Recorded, Dec. 26, 1894. JeffersonCounty, Pa., Death record, Books 1 & 2. Dony, Flora Etna, W, F, Ageat death, 2 years, 1 month, 2 days; POB Olver T.P.; DOD March 2, 1895;Place of Death, Olive Tp; Diptheria, sick for 9 days; Interment, Worthville, March 3, 1895; Father, Garton Dony; Mother, Lavina Dony;Recorded, July 8. 1895. Deed: Daniel Doney et. al. To F.A. Snyder 1November 1902. Daniel Doney and Susan Doney , his wife, of WinslowTwp., Jefferson County, PA.; John Doney and Willimana, his wife, of Shemokin, Northumberland County, PA.; and Gerson Doney and Levina Doney, his wife, of Winbur, Somerset County, PA. sold to F.A. Snyderfor $120.00 the following land in Pine Creek Twp., Jefferson County, PA. bounded and described as follows: on the North by lands of J.B.Snyder, now Levi Schuckers, on the East by Levi Schuckers and JerryMowrey, on the South by public road leading from Reynoldsville to Brookville, and the West by Jerry Mowrey, containing ten acres more or less. Signed Daniel Doney, Susan Doney (her mark), John Doney, Willamina Doney (her mark), Gerson Doney (his mark) Levina Doney (hermark). Witnesses E. Neff, John J. W. Schwartz, Jas A.G. Schwartz, O.J.Shank, John King. Witness for Somerset County, M.E. Sell J.P. Ibelieve one page of this deed is missing (witnesses forNorthumberland group). Note: The city in Somerset is Windbur not Winbur.