Susan Sharp's notes: I need to check further on the children of Gerson and Catherine Doney. Review more census records, especially 1860 & 1870. See notes on Catherine Dungelberger. Check US Census 1850 PA, Gassen Donnely, Jef, 153, Pine Creek. U.S. Census 1850, Jefferson County, PA, Pine Creek Twp., enumeration date 4 September 1850, page 153, dwelling no.1015, family no. 1030, Gasson Donnely, 32, male, white, carpenter, value real estate $100, birthplace blank for all entries; Catherine,33, female, white, John, 9, male, white; William, 7, male, white;Solomay, 4, female, white; Gasson, 2, male, white; Daniel, 5/12, male, white. See notes on Catherine Dunkleberger Doney for 1860 Cenus. I need to do this one myself. Marriage date of 1832 seems wrong, Gerson would have been 14? US Census 1880, Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Pine Creek Twp., Enumeration Date, 1 June 1880, Roll No. 1136, Vol.40, ED 195, Sheet 27, Line 31, Dwelling No. 194, Family No., 194.Name, Dohney, Gerson; Color, white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1,62; Occupation, Pedlar; Place of birth, Penn.; Place of birth offather, Penn.; Place of birth of mother, Penn. For the rest of the entries the place of birth for each individual (including the boarder), as well as their mother and father is Penn. Name, William; Color, white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 39; Relationship, son; Occupation, Farmer. Name, Gerson; Color, white; Sex, male; Age priorto June 1, 33, Relationship, son; Occupation, Laborer; I believe, 'cannot read or write' is checked. Name, Margaret; Color, white; Sex,female; Age prior to June 1, 28; Relationship, daughter-in-law; Occupation, Keeping house. Name, William; Color, white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 5; Relationship, grandson; Occupation, At home. Name, Charles; Color, white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 3; Relationship, Grandson; Occupation, At home. Name, Huntzinger, William; Color, white, Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 66; Relationship, Boarder; Occupation, Miller. US Census 1870, Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Pine Creek Twp., Enumeration date, 8 August 1870, Pages 2&3, Dwelling No. 15, Family No. 15.Name, Doney, Gaston; Age, 52; Sex, male, color, white, Occupation, farmer; Value real estate, $400; Value personal property, $200; Birthplace, Pa., Male citizen of the US of 21 and upwards; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Catharine; age, 54; Sex, F; Color, white; Occupation, Keeping house; Birthplace, Pa., Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, William; Age,21 or 27; Sex, M; Color, white; Occupation, Laborer; Birthplace, Pa.; Male US citizen of 21 and upwards; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Gaston or Garton; Age 22; Sex, M; Color, white; Occupation, Laborer; Birthplace; Pa.; Male US citizen of 21 years and upwards; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Daniel; Age, 22; Sex, M; Color, white; Occupation, Laborer; Birthplace, Pa., Male US citizen of 21 years and upwards; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Salome; Age 25, Sex, F; Color, white; Birthplace, Pa.; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Catherine; age, 19; Sex, F; Color, white; Birthplace, Pa.; Cannot read; Cannot write. Name, Mary E.; Age, 11; Sex, F; Color, white; Birthplace, Pa.; Cannot read; Cannot write.
See U.S. Census 1870 for Jerry Mowry. The Mowry's were household 16. Both households have a Salome, age 25. I believe this is the same person that was listed in both households.
Book: Caldwell's Atlas of Jefferson County, Pa. 1878 shows the 40 acre farm of G. Doney, on the map of Pine Creek Twp. The farm is right on the border of Pine Creek and Winslow Twp. J. Mowry is shown as living right next to G. Doney on 4 acres. Jerry was G. Doney's son-in-law. In this same book, in the Advertising Business Directory of Jefferson County, Pa., The Pine Creek Township Directory shows Doney, Sr., G; 40 acres; Post Office, Emerickville; Nativity, Penna; Occupation, farmer. Also shown as living on the same 40 acres are Wm. Doney, G. Doney Jr.,& D. Doney. Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Brookville, Deed BookIndex, Page ? Indenture made 30 May 1887 between Gersen Doney of Pine Creek Township, Jefferson County State of Pennsylvania of the firstpart and Jeremiah Mowrey of the same place. The party of the firstpart for and in consideration of the keeping boarding and clothing and burial expenses of Gersen Doney grants to Jeremiah Mowrey and his heirs forever, all that certain piece of land being in Pine Creek township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. Bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a post in the Susquehannah and Waterford Turnpike road thence along said road South eighty two degrees West Eight perches to a post. Thence by land of John Kable North Eight and one half degrees West one hndred and ninety nine perches to a stonepile on line of Edward Zettler's land. Thence by same lands East fortytwo perches to a post, thence by land of John B. Snyders Estate Southone hundred and eighty nine perches to the place of beginning. Containing twenty nine acres more or less, strict measure, being the same tract which John K. Smith and wife did grant and confirm unto Gersen Deney (sic) the present grantor by Indenture bearing date the 26th day of May 1855. Said deed not recorded. Together with all buildings ........ etc. signed Gerson Doney (written in German).Witnesses Abner Spyker and S. P. Shessley. Recorded August 7, 1894. Book: Genealogical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, Floyd, Vol.1, Call No. Gc 979.801, N819g,V1 (Allen County PublicLibrary). DONEY. There are living in Northumberland County many of the posterity of those Hessian soldiers who, having been sold to England to assist in the suppression of the Revolution, had no desire to return to a country and a ruler which had sent them to fight the Colonists against their will, and consequently remained in this country at the close of the war. ......... Johann Nickalas Doney, one of the Hessian soldiers who refused to return to his native land afterthe Revolutionary war ended, was one of the large number captured by Washington at Trenton. Before 1800 he had settled in Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland County, where he married and reared a creditable family. He was one of the most respected citizens of his section. His children were: Abraham, John Adam, and Anna Maria (Mrs. Peifer).
Abraham Doney, son of Johan Nickalas, came with his father from Berks or Lebanon County to Northumberland prior to 1800. He married Maria Zerbe, and they lived in Lower Mahanoy township, where they were farming people. They are buried at Zion's Stone Valley Church. They were the parents of a large family, namely: George, Adam, Peter, John, Jacob, Benjamin, Abraham. Israel, Polly, Catherine, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Sallie, and Rachel. Israel Doney, son of Abraham, lived in Lower Mahanoy township, where he followed farming. He and his wife Sarah (Campbell) are buried at Zion's Church in Stone Valley. They were the parents of nine children, five of whom died young, the survivors being: John Adam, George E., Benjamin H., and Sarah C., (wife of Jacob Lahr, of Lower Mahanoy township). NOTE: This is aboutthe only lead I have to follow. Note: Abraham Doney was born 5/2/1793 and died 4/28/1859 from book Northumberland County Burials Volumes 1-3 compiled by Joseph A Meiser, Jr. & Sarah Roadarmel Meiser in the collection of the Allen County Public Library. Gerson Doney is older than the children of Abraham Note: Doney is spelled Dohni.