Occupation: Farmer Place of Residence: Deemer's Crossroads 2 or 3miles west of Reynoldsville, PA. Moore Methodist Cemetery is locatednear Emerickville, PA. off Route 310. Go left at the top of the hill.(Tombstone Hopping by Patricia Steele verifies this.) According toVivian Doney Reid, one time when she was visiting her grandfather,Daniel Doney's farm, she went into his apple orchard and picked anapple, took a bite out of it and then threw it down, picked anotherapple took one bite out of it and then threw it down, etc. Grandpa sawher and told her she could eat as much as she wanted, but it was notnice just to waste the apples. She never forgot this. According to Vivian Doney Reid, Daniel Doney made and sold 'Doney's Salve'. When I asked what it was used for, she said she thought it was to 'draw out infection'. She said she remembered her parents using it at home and also remembers when she was visiting her Grandfather that people cameto the house to buy it from him. According to notes I have from CoraHorm Enterline, Daniel Doney was born in Emerickville, Jefferson County, PA. US Census 1880, Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Pine Creek Twp., Enumeration Date, 1 June 1880, Roll No. 1136, Vol. 40, ED 195, Sheet 27, Line 38, Dwelling No. 195, Family No., 195. Name, Dohney,Daniel; Color, white; Sex, male; age prior to June 1, 30; Occupation,Laborer; Place of birth, Penn.; Place of birth of father, Penn.; Place of birth of mother, Penn. Name, Susan; Color, white; Sex, female; Age prior to June 1, 29; Relationship to head of house, wife; Occupation,Keeping house; Place of birth. Penn.; Place of birth of father, Penn.;Place of birth of mother, Penn. For the rest of the entries for the children, they, as well as their mother and father were born in Penn.Name, William, Color, white, Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 9;Relationship, son; Occupation, At home. Name Samuel, Color, white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 8; Relationship, son; Occupation, At home; Name Viola; Color, white; Sex, female; Age prior to June 1, 6; Relationship, daughter; Occupation, At home. Name, Calvin; Color,white; Sex, male; Age prior to June 1, 5; Relationship, son;Occupation, At home. Certificate of Death, File No. 41761. 1.Place ofDeath, County of Jefferson, Township of Winslow 2. Full Name, DanielDoney 3. Sex, male 4. Color, white 5. a. Single, married, widowed ordivorced- widowed b. Name of wife, Susannah Doney 6. Date of birth,December 8, 1849 7. Age, 75 years, 3 months, 26 days 8. Occupation ofdeceased, farming 9. Birthplace, Pennsylvania 10. Name of father,Garson Doney 11. Birthplace of father, Pennsylvania 12. Maiden name ofmother, blank 13. Birthplace of mother, Pennsylvania 14. Informant,J.C. Doney, Rossiter, Pa. 15. Filed April 7, 1925, Perry B. lon ? ,Registrar 16. Date of Death, April 5, 1925 17. I hereby certify that Iattended the deceased from Jan. 1925 to April 1925 that I last saw thedeceased alive on March 25, 1925 and that death occurred on the datestated above at 10 a.m. The cause of death was as follows: Heartfailure due to dilation of right side. Contributory, Bright's disease.18. Did an operation precede death, no. Was there an autopsy, no. Whattest confirmed diagnosis, physical signs. Signed ? King M.D. ,Reynoldsville, April 7, 1925. 19. Place of burial, Emerickville, Dateof Burial, April 8, 1925 20. Undertaker, D. Ekis ? , Reynoldsville.Book: Caldwell's Atlas of Jefferson County, Pa. 1878 shows the 40acre farm of G. Doney, on the map of Pine Creek Twp. The farm is righton the border of Pine Creek and Winslow Twp. J. Mowry is shown asliving right next to G. Doney on 4 acres. Jerry was G. Doney'sson-in-law. In this same book, in the Advertising Business Directoryof Jefferson County, Pa., The Pine Creek Township Directory showsDoney, Sr., G; 40 acres; Post Office, Emerickville; Nativity, Penna;Occupation, farmer. Also shown as living on the same 40 acres are Wm.Doney, G. Doney Jr., & D. Doney. My Aunt Thelma Doney gave my mother,Vivian Doney Reid, two very large (probably 16'x24') pictures ofDaniel and Susannah Holben Doney given to Thelma by Cora Enterline.The pictures are now in the possession of Susan Reid Sharp. Notes froma telephone conversation on February 5, 1987 between Susan Reid Sharpand Cora Enterline, United Methodist Home, 700 Bower Hill Road,Pittsburgh, Pa. 15243. Cora was the daughter of Lewis Horm and LettieDoney. Cora has since died. 'Grandpa Doney worked out in the woods ata lumber camp to earn some extra cash. On his way home (he had to walkabout 20 miles) for the weekend to see Grandma (Susannah Holben) whowas at home tending the children and livestock, a mountain lion orpanther began to follow him. It howled the whole way. Grandpa knew ifhe didn't reach home before dark it would attack him. Despite some anxious moments, he made it home O.K.
Grandpa Daniel Doney madefurniture and he built their farmhouse. It was a 'weatherboard' structure. Grandma was the envy of all the neighbors because she had aformal parlor (used only when somebody died) and because she had onlyfive children. The neighbors all had 12 or 13 kids. Grandpa either had a stroke or contracted polio after he was married. Itaffected his right leg which he 'threw out' when he walked and alsohis shoulder. Cora said she could picture him sitting in his rockingchair rubbing his shoulder, but he never complained. Cora said thesitting room had a coal stove in it with a pipe that went up throughthe floor to warm the upstairs. There was also a large parlor organ inthe sitting room.
Cora said Grandma was very clean. The pineboards on the back porch floor were white from her scrubbing them. Sheeven scrubbed the telephone poles in front of the house. Cora saidGrandma was the boss. She was always after Grandpa to do something, but Grandpa always took it good naturedly. Cora said the grandparents were always very good to her, but she never kissed Grandma, there was not affection of that type. Cora said Grandpa'chewed his cud' he said this in Pennsylvania Dutch, and he spit outthe window and Grandma had to wash the window sills. The Doney farm was on the old 'Lake to Sea Highway' between Brookville and Reynoldville-3 or 4 miles from Reynoldsville. Cora stated that GrandmaSusannah Doney was born in Mudlick, Pa.' During the converationrecorded above I explained to Cora that I was the daughter of Vivian Doney Reid, her Uncle Cal's daughter. She seemed, at the time, tounderstand this. Soon after she wrote a letter to my mother, VivianDoney Reid. The letter is not dated, but the postmark is 23 February,1987. Some excerpts of the letter appear below. Daniel Doney married Susannah Holben. Children- William Doney, I think the oldest, had a large family; Samuel Doney-had 4 children, 3 girls, one boy; John Calvin Doney-wife Lena France, German; Viola (Dickey)-no children,married James Dickey; Lauretta (Lettie) Horm (youngest). Daniel Doney, Susannah (Susan) Doney, James Dickey, Viola Doney Dickey, buried inMoore Cemetery between Reynoldsville and Brookville, left side of theroad up on a hill. Can't see the cemetery from the main highway. TheMoore Church is at the bottom right on the highway. At the top of the hill is the cemetery fairly large-perpetual care, I think. Doneygraves well marked with tall marble stones not far from the entrance,paved road all the way up the hill. Get a Pa. road map to locate thehighway between Reynoldsville and Brookville. It will take you rightthru Doney Town, Emerickville, etc. into Brookville, the county seatof Jefferson County. That highway leads past where Grandpa Daniel'shouse stood. It was a dirt road when I was a child at Grandma Doney's. I remember it well. Grandfather Doney put new soles on shoes-just patched the family shoes I think. I told you the story of the panther following Grandpa for 20 miles when he was walking home for the weekend. We Horm kids called our Doney grandparents Mammy and Daddy. Talking to them in Pa. Dutch, I said Mem and Pep. My parents we called Mom and Dad. I told you Daddy had a crippled leg andfoot-happened after he was married and had children. He said it was a stroke. I would say polio. Lucky that he wasn't left badly crippled. His hands were knobby badly enlarged joints but didn't seem to be painful. Had real curly hair - black when young - white when I knew him - no hair cuts in winter. Wore a black fur cap in winter. Little white curls peeping from under the fur cap. Really cute. Hair never got longer. In the country in my youth bad boys upset privies (outdoor toilets) on Halloween nite-carry them away from their original site, maybe into the orchard or cow pasture. One time theyput the Doney sleigh up on Daddy's barn roof. He had to get ladders, ropes, and neighbors to get the sleigh down off the roof withoutbreaking anything. I guess it was a sleigh - maybe a farm sled orwagon. I heard the story but don't remember the vehicle. Even a onehorse buggy was a luxury. Every farmer had a 2 horse wagon in which hewent to town to sell Mammy's butter and eggs and do a lot of shoppingfor coffee, sugar, his plug tobacco that he chewed (he didn't smoke). Some real old ladies smoked a pipe. I went to town (Reynoldsville) many times in the wagon - 2 horses Pet and Fan. We always bought some bananas and each ate one on the way home. No cooler at home so ate the rest at home for a few days. Generally bought pink lozenberger candy-teaberry flavor for Mammy. She kept them in the big high pantrycupboard to nibble on. Her antique china and glass in that cupboardalso. I feel sure Daddy did not build that red cherry cupboard. It wassold at auction after Daddy died. At that time I didn't want it. Thefellow who bought it died and house and contents rotted. Later when Ihad brains to want old furniture I found a duplicate in a barn atDeemers Cross Roads, bought it, trucked it to Kittg had it finished bya queer old fellow- a master on the restoring. After Max's death, Igave the cupboard to Bob in Cleveland. Today the cupboard is in Bob'sdining room in Arizona. Two pieces of furniture made by Daniel Doneyare in the possession of Susan Reid Sharp. One is a dry sink withoriginal mustard colored paint and a high back with a drawer- veryprimitive and the other is a step back cupboard. The cupboard hadmany, many coats of paint on it. Susan stripped it, and it appeared to originally have had just a 'red wash' on it. Both pieces have had the hardware on them changed numerous times. Vivian Doney Reid rememberedthat her mother kept the dry sink in the basement of their home. Whenshe baked pies or bread she stored the baked goods in the bottom of the dry sink. According to Vivian Doney Reid, Daniel was a Democrat.She said he always wore canvas shoes like today's tennis shoes. Hehad long curly white hair. Deed: Daniel Doney et. al. To F.A. Snyder 1November 1902. Daniel Doney and Susan Doney, his wife, of WinslowTwp., Jefferson County, PA.; John Doney and Willimana, his wife, ofShemokin, Northumberland County, PA.; and Gerson Doney and Levina Doney, his wife, of Winbur, Somerset County, PA. sold to F.A. Snyderfor $120.00 the following land in Pine Creek Twp., Jefferson County,PA. bounded and described as follows: on the North by lands of J.B. Snyder, now Levi Schuckers, on the East by Levi Schuckers and JerryMowrey, on the South by public road leading from Reynoldsville toBrookville, and the West by Jerry Mowrey, containing ten acres more orless. Signed Daniel Doney, Susan Doney (her mark), John Doney,Willamina Doney (her mark), Gerson Doney (his mark) Levina Doney (hermark). Witnesses E. Neff, John J. W. Schwartz, Jas A.G. Schwartz, O.J.Shank, John King. Witness for Somerset County, M.E. Sell J.P. Ibelieve one page of this deed is missing (witnesses forNorthumberland group). Note: The city in Somerset is Windbur not Winbur.