Susan Sharp's Notes: Book: Who, Where, When, Volume 2, Jefferson County, PA., by Patricia Steele. Doney, Flora Etna, white, female, 2 years, 1 month, 2 days, born Oliver Twp., deptheria 9 days, buried at Westville ? 3/3/95 Garton Doney and Lavinia (7/18/95) Jefferson County, Pa., Death record, Books 1 & 2. Dony, Flora Etna, W, F, Age at death, 2 years, 1 month, 2 days; POB Olver T.P.; DOD March 2, 1895; Place of Death, Olive Tp; Diptheria, sick for 9 days; Interment, Worthville, March 3, 1895; Father, Garton Dony; Mother, Lavina Dony; Recorded, July 8.1895.