Richard Gramlich in 2003 said about his biological father, mother and his adoptive father: "Emma Pearl (known by everyone as Pearl) was born 5-8-1917 in Monroe County. She had an out-of-wedlock son in 1934 [that's me]. She was 16 when the child was conceived, 17 when born. The father, a Michael Zlate, age 23 at the time, upon learning of the pregancy, took off, never to be seen again & hardly ever heard of. Recent resarch indicates he had 3-4 successful meat markets in Cleveland, Ohio. He married & died in Cleveland. He is survived only by 2 living daughters. One son died in a boating accident when he was in his 20s. The out-of-wedlock son acknowledges only that he was his biological father -- absolutely nothing more. He regards his father as Otto Joseph Costa, Emma Pearl's husband. He was everything a father should be -- an excellent father in all ways. Thank you Dad!!!!"