Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Mary Reid
F, #3527, b. 7 October 1894, d. 1960
Mary Reid was born on 7 October 1894 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. She married
Ray M. Wolfe on 3 November 1915. She died in 1960 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of ~66. She was buried in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.
Mary Reid was also known as Mary Wolfe. Religious Affiliation: Methodist Obituary: Newspaper clipping in thepossession of Jean Reid Edwards. Name and date of paper are cut off.MRS. MARY WOLFE, BROOKVILLE, DIES Mrs. Mary Reid Wolfe, of Brookville,died Saturday in the Brookville Hospital following a lengthy illness.She was 66 years of age. Born October 7, 1894, in Harmony, a daughterof W. S. and Louise Crawford Reid, she was married November 3, 1915,to Ray M. Wolfe. Mrs. Wolfe was a member of the Methodist Church.Surviving are her husband, a son, Reid E. Wolfe, of Erlton, N. J., andtwo brothers, David D. Reid , of Brookville, and Rev. William H. Reid,of Titusville. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2o'clock in the Reitz Funeral Home in Brookville. Rev. Sherman H. Eplerwill officiate, and interment will be in the Brookville Cemetery.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Mary Christeena Reid
F, #3528, b. 15 December 1904, d. 14 November 1976
Mary Christeena Reid was born on 15 December 1904 in Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA. She married
Samuel Boucher Black, son of
Black and
Boucher, on 10 June 1930 in Pennsylvania, USA. Mary Christeena Reid died on 14 November 1976 in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA, at the age of 71.
Mary Christeena Reid was also known as Mary Christeena Black. Occupation: Registered Nurse and Housewife Places of Residence:Beaverdale and Towanda, Pa. Boynton Beach, Fla.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Myrtle Dewilde Reid
F, #3530, b. 28 May 1900, d. 24 September 1974
Myrtle Dewilde Reid was born on 28 May 1900 in Pennsylvania, USA. She married
Charles Irwin Parsons on 20 April 1921. She died on 24 September 1974 in West Virginia, USA, at the age of 74.
Myrtle Dewilde Reid was also known as Myrtle Dewilde Parsons. Newspaper clipping in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards. Name anddate of paper are cut off. Miss Myrtle Reed and Charles J. Parsons,both of this city, were united in marriage yesterday. They took ahoneymoon trip to Harrisburg. (They were married 20 April 1921.) Copyof funeral home brochure in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards.Myrtle Reed Parsons; Born, May 28, 1900; Died, September 24, 1974;Services, Hastings Funeral Home, Friday, September 27, 1974, 1:30p.m.; Officiating, Rev. John W. Doane; Interment, East Oak GroveCemetery. (I assume this cemetery is in Morgantown, West Virginia.)According to Vivian Doney Reid, Myrtle was like a mother to herbrother, Bill and her sister, Rose. After Elizabeth Kennedy Hunterdied, Myrtle assumed the tasks of rearing the youngest children. Mr.Reid worked as an engineer on the railroad and was gone from home alot. After Myrtle married Charlie, Bill and Rose went to live withthem. She called Bill 'son' and actually thought of him as her son andhe thought of her as a mother. Bill was ten when his mother died. WhenAunt Myrtle and Uncle Charlie lived in Morgantown, West Virginia, Iremember going to visit them. They owned and operated a grocery storeon the first floor of the building and they lived above it on thesecond floor. I remember there was a big porch across the front of thebuilding on the second story.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Nellie Reid
M, #3532, b. 18 September 1881, d. 24 February 1963
Nellie Reid was born on 18 September 1881 in Barclay, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA. He married
Horace Crebs Swan on 24 June 1902. He died on 24 February 1963 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 81. He was buried on 27 February 1963 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.
Nellie was born after her father, David Reid was killed in a mineaccident. Places of residence include Barclay and Reynoldsville, Pa.and Lima and Mansfield, Ohio according to Jean Reid Edwards. VivianDoney Reid said Aunt Nell lived in Brookville or Sykesville. ReligiousAffiliation: Presbyterian. Obituary: Newspaper clipping in thepossesion of Jean Reid Edwards. Date and name of paper are cut off.RITES WEDNESDAY FOR NELLIE SWAN. BROOKVILLE--Funeral services will beheld Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Reitz Funeral Home herefor Nellie Reid Swan, of Mansfield, Ohio, who died Sunday in theMansfield General Hospital. Dr. Curtis K. Jones will officiate andburial will be in the Reynoldsville Cemetery. Mrs. Swan was born inBarclay September 18, 1881, a daughter of David and Ruth Simpson Reid.She was married to Horace Crebs Swan who preceded her in death, andwas a member of the Presbyterian Church. She formerly lived inReynoldsville and Youngstown, Ohio. Surviving are three sons,Warren Swan, of Elmira, New York, Bud Swan, of Lake George, New York,and Clifford Swan of DuBois; one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Shrigley, ofMansfield, Ohio, and a brother, Robert Reid, of Punxsutawney.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Nellie Irene Reid
F, #3534, b. 12 April 1906
Nellie Irene Reid was born on 12 April 1906 in Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA.
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31 July 2022 15:18:50 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Robert Reid
M, #3536, b. 15 August 1874, d. 9 September 1969
Family: Bert Penman (b. 11 January 1877, d. 3 June 1943)
Robert Reid was born on 15 August 1874 in Barclay, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA. He married
Bert Penman, daughter of
John M. Penman and
Margaret Nesbitt, on 17 August 1897 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Reid died on 9 September 1969 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 95. He was buried in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.
Death occurred either August or September 9, 1969. Send for deathcertificate to confirm. Places of Residence: Barclay, Harmony,Punsutawney (Bell Twp.), Pa. Newspaper clipping in the possession ofJean Reid Edwards. The name and date of the paper are cut off.RETIRED RR ENGINEER OBSERVES 93RD BIRTHDAY. A man who for 38 yearsmanned the throttles of the giant steel and steam behemoths ondistrict railroads, took 'a turn' on a diesel locomotive hereyesterday- at the age of 93! Robert Reed, of Greenwood Avenue,Punxsutawney, was given the opportunity to operate a modern dieselengine as part of a 'birthday present' from friends on the B & ORailroad. The retired engineer celebrated his 93rd birthday lastTuesday with a family gathering. Mr. Reid retired October 31,1941 and has been steadily drawing pension checks since that time. Heis believed to be the oldest living former railroad engineer of thedistrict. A native of Barclay, Bradford County, where he was bornAugust 15, 1874, he was the son of David and Ruth Simpson Reid and asa young man worked in the coal mines. He got his first railroadjob in 1903 with the former Rural Valley Railroad, a division of theold Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh system. He transferred to the BR & P in 1911 and worked for that system until it was taken over bythe Baltimore & Ohio in 1931. He worked another 10 years for the B & Obefore retirement. Practically all of his 38 years were spent behindthe throttle as an engineer. And driving a diesel for the first timethis week was no problem, his friends tell us. Mr. Reid wasmarried in 1898 to Burt Penman, daughter of John and Margaret Penman,of nearby Harmony (Punxsutawney R. D. 5). She died in 1943, two yearsafter her husband retired. Mr. Reid has since made his home with adaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James McGonagle. of GreenwoodAvenue. Mr. Reid is exceptionally active for his age, is an avidbaseball fan, and spends much time keeping up with events ontelevision. He has five daughters and a son, eight grandchildren andseven great-grandchildren. The children are: Mrs. Frank (Berdella)Kreagloh, of Collingswood, New Jersey; Mrs. Samuel (Margaret) Reid, ofDuBois; Mrs. Vay (Ruth) Neal of South Main St., Punxsutawney; Mrs.James (Dorothy) Mc Gonagle of Greenwood Avenue; Robert, Jr., of Fargo,North Dakota; and Mrs. John (Florence) Ashenfelter, of Clark Terrace,Punxsy. Caption under picture: OLD TIME STEAM ENGINEER ON DIESELRobert Reid, of Punxsutawney, a retired former steam locomotiveengineer, is shown as he listened to the station master giving ordersover the phone in a modern diesel locomotive here. Mr. Reid waspermitted to operate the diesel in the local Riker yards incelebration of his 93rd birthday which occurred Tuesday of this week.See Story below. (Spirit photo) OBITUARY: ROBERT REID Robert Reid, 94,a longtime resident of Punxsutawney and retired B & O Railroadengineer, died this morning in the Adrian hospital. He was bornAugust 15, 1874 in Barclay, Bradford County, the son of David and RuthSimpson Reid and in 1898 was married to Burt Penman. He was a memberof the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Surviving are fivedaughters and a son, Mrs. Frank Kreagloh, of Collingswood, N. J.; Mrs.Samuel Reid of DuBois; Mrs. Vay Neal; Mrs. James McGonagle and Mrs.John Ashenfelter, of Punxsutawney, and Robert Reid, Jr., of Fargo, N.D. He leaves also seven grandchildren and 10 great- grandchildren.Friends will be received Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and Mondayfrom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral arrangements are in the charge ofthe Pifer Funeral Home in Punx'y. The Punxsutawney Spirit.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Robert Reid
M, #3537, b. 28 October 1915
Father | Robert Reid (b. 15 August 1874, d. 9 September 1969) |
Mother | Bert Penman (b. 11 January 1877, d. 3 June 1943) |
Robert Reid was born on 28 October 1915 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.
Marital Status: Not married. Places of Residence: Fargo, North Dakota.According to the notes of Lois Jean Reid Edwards, Robert was a greatdance band musician. He played the saxophone and the clarinet. As achild she remembers going to his family home and listening to himpractice. During World War 2 he was her pen-pal and she enjoyedreceiving letters and cards from him.
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31 July 2022 15:18:50 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Robert Reid
M, #3538
Notes of Jean Reid Edwards: Mormon Church Film No. (0102258) Dates ofchristening from photo which was in the possession of Jean ReidEdwards. Robert Reid was christened on 29 September 1844 in Scotland{D2}.
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31 July 2022 15:18:50 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Rosella Reid
F, #3541, b. 7 September 1912, d. 2 September 1961
Rosella Reid was born on 7 September 1912. She married
Thomas Hastings on 24 June 1936. She died on 2 September 1961 in Cumberland, Allegany, Maryland, USA, at the age of 48.
Rosella Reid was also known as Rosella Hastings.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
- [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Russell Reid
M, #3542, b. 31 May 1900, d. 30 March 1989
Russell Reid was born on 31 May 1900 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. He married
Margaret Ahiera Schwartz on 12 August 1945. He died on 30 March 1989 in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 88. He was buried in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA.
Places of Residence: Lived Stump Creek and Kramer, Pa. Obituary:Newpaper clipping in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards. The DuBoisCourier, March 30, 1989. RUSSELL REID STUMP CREEK-- Russell Reid, 88,of Stump Creek died Thursday in DuBois Regional Medical Center-Westfollowing a short illness. He was a retired coal miner. Born May31, 1900 in Adrian, he was a son of Andrew and Agnes Clark Reid. Hewas married to Margaret Schwartz Reid; she survives. He spentmost of his life in the Sykesville area and was Protestant by faith.He was a member of the United Mine Workers of America and the DuBoisEagles Club. He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers,and six sisters. Obituary: Newspaper clipping in the possession ofJean Reid Edwards. Name and date of the paper are cut off. REID:Russell, of Stump Creek, died March 30, 1989. Friends will be receivedat the Leo Nedza Funeral Home in Sykesville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.Sunday and until the time of service Monday (April 3) at 3 p.m. fromthe funeral home, with Pastor John LaShell officiating. Interment inMorningside Cemetery, DuBois.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Ruth Reid
F, #3543, b. 26 April 1894, d. 27 March 1983
Ruth Reid was born on 26 April 1894 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 27 March 1983 in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 88. She was buried in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA.
Obituary: Newspaper clipping in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards.Name and date of paper are cut off. RUTH REID, 88 Ruth Reid, 88, ofWest Main Street, Sykesville, died Sunday, March 27, 1983, at MapleAvenue Hospital in DuBois, after a lengthy illness. Miss Reid wasborn April 26, 1894, in Adrian, the daughter of Andrew and Agnes(Clark) Reid. A lifetime resident of Sykesville, Miss Reid was anemployee of the Frank St. Clair family of DuBois for over 40 years.She was a charter member of the Daughters of Scotia and a member ofthe Bethel Baptist Church in Sykesville. Surviving relativesinclude two brothers, Russell Reid of Stump Creek, and John Reid ofSykesville; one niece, Geraldine Reid of Sykesville; two greatnieces;one greatnephew; four great greatnephews; and two great greatnieces.Miss Reid was preceded in death by three sister, Barbara, Agnes, andNellie, one brother, David, two brothers and a sister in infancy, anda nephew, David. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. atthe Hazuda Funeral Home of Sykesville. Pastor John LaShell willofficiate. Interment will follow in the Morningside Cemetery. Friendswill be received at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.,Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and until the time of servicesThursday.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Ruth Simpson Reid
F, #3544, b. 6 September 1904
Father | Robert Reid (b. 15 August 1874, d. 9 September 1969) |
Mother | Bert Penman (b. 11 January 1877, d. 3 June 1943) |
Ruth Simpson Reid was born on 6 September 1904 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. She married
Vay Fisher Neal, son of
Walker Neal, on 23 June 1924 in Maryland, USA.
Ruth Simpson Reid was also known as Ruth Simpson Neal. Married in Cumberland, Maryland by Rev. C. J. Price. Places ofResidence: Punxsutawney, Pa. and Youngstown, Ohio. Newspaper clippingin the possession of Jean Reid Edwards. Name and date of paper arecut off. VAY NEALS CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING DATE A golden weddinganniversary celebration was held to honor Mr. and Mrs. Vay Neal, ofSouth Main Street, in the ISDA social hall in West End. The July6 open house event was attended by more than 150 area and out-of-townguests, including relatives and friends. Mrs. Neal, the former RuthReid, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Marion Avenue,and Vay Neal, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walker Neal, of WinslowStreet, city, exchanged vows June 23, 1924 in the Methodist Parsonagein Cumberland, Maryland. The Rev. C. J. Price officiated. Thecouple has a son, Robert B., of Indianapolis, Indiana, and a daughter,Mrs. Raymond (Jean ) Williams, of Woodbridge, Virginia. Fivegrandchildren and two great-grandchildren are in the family circle. Mr. Neal is a retired B&O, C&O Railroad engineer. Since hisretirement he and his wife have been enjoying traveling in theircamper and viewing area sights. Mr. Neal also enjoys working in hisshop working on his hobbies. He makes grandfather clocks and manyother intricate objects. Mrs. Neal, along with enjoying her housework,is an avid organist and is accompanied by Mr. Neal with his accordion.She, too, enjoys their outdoor camping trips. A three-tieranniversary cake and baskets of summer flowers enhanced therefreshment table for the reception. Attending from out-of-town were:Mr.and Mrs. Robert B. Neal and son, David, and Mr. and Mrs. DanielPeck, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Jean) Williams, anddaughter, Jeannie, of Woodbridge, Virginia; Mrs. Nancy Gourdaniere, ofAnnandale, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kooz, of Fairfax, Virginia; Mr.and Mrs. George Fenton of Warren, Ohio; Mrs. Jessie Feldhouse, ofYoungstown, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, and son, David, of Hubbard,Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blair and daughter, Jonell, and son, Ronald,of Ashtabula, Ohio; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Neal, Jr., and son ,Benjie, and daughter, Leah, of Onalaska, Wisconsin. The couplereceived many fine gifts, congratulatory messages and phone calls tomark their anniversary. They celebrated the event in July, rather thanJune, so that their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildrencould all be present. The Neals are making preparations for anothercamping trip, but are waiting for the upcoming Punxsutawney HighSchool Class of 1924 reunion August 10 in the Punxsutawney CountryClub, before departing.
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31 July 2022 15:18:50 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Samuel David Reid
M, #3546, b. 16 December 1901, d. 13 February 1973
Samuel David Reid was born on 16 December 1901 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA. He married
Geraldine Elizabeth Himes, daughter of
Charles A. Himes and
Ella P. Gahagan, in January 1925. Samuel David Reid died on 13 February 1973 in Ohio, USA, at the age of 71. He was buried in Ohio, USA.
Sam was a welder for the B & O Railroad. He worked frequently atRikers Roundhouse in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to Charles'Bud' Parsons, Uncle Sam went deer hunting every year. It didn'tmatter if the world's biggest train wreck occurred, he went deerhunting. Bud said they used to tell him he had to come to work or theywould fire him. He always said go ahead- he knew he was the bestwelder and they needed him. He was a member of the BPOE and served asExaulted Ruler. It is said he attended the Presbyterian Church.Obituary: Newspaper clipping in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards.Date and name of paper are cut off. SAMUEL D. REID, 70. SamuelDavid Reid, 70, of Youngstown, a former resident of Punxsutawney, diedTuesday in his home in Youngstown. Funeral services will be heldThursday at 1:30 P.M. in the Lane Funeral Home in Austintown, Ohio.Mr. Reid was born in December, 1902, in Punxsutawney, a son ofAlexander and Elizabeth Hunter Reid and was married to the formerGeraldine Himes. A retired employee of the Baltimore and OhioRailroad, Mr. Reid was a member of the Presbyterian Church inYoungstown and was an honary member and past exalted ruler of the B.P. O. Elks in Punxsutawney. Surviving are his wife; a daughter,Mrs. Harry Welsh, of Cincinnati, O.; one grandchild; a brother,William Reid, of Niles, O., and two sisters, Mrs. Clark B.McLaughlinof Punxsutawney, and Mrs. Charles Parsons of Morgantown, WestVirginia.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Samuel Russell Reid
M, #3547, b. 19 October 1901, d. 25 October 1965
Samuel Russell Reid was born on 19 October 1901 in Pennsylvania, USA. He married
Margaret Nesbit Reid, daughter of
Robert Reid and
Bert Penman, in January 1926. Samuel Russell Reid died on 25 October 1965 in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 64. He was buried in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA.
Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian Occupation: D. B. Brewing Co.According to the notes of Jean Reid Edwards even though a 'Reidmarried a Reid' they were not related. Obituary: Newspaper clipping inthe possession of Jean Reid Edwards. Name and date of paper are cutoff. SAMUEL R. REID Samuel Russell Reid, of DuBois, an employee of theDuBois Brewing Company, and a lifelong resident there, died Monday inthe Maple Avenue Hospital after a brief illness. He was 64. The Rev.Wallace G. Winegard will conduct funeral services at 1:30 o'clockThursday in the Eldon W. Mohney Funeral Home in DuBois, successor toJ. Harold Moore. Burial will be in Morningside Cemetery in DuBois. Mr. Reid was born October 19, 1901, in Butler County, son of John J.and Rozetta Russell Reid. He married Margaret Reid, of Punxsutawney.She survives. He was a member of the First United Presbyterian Church,the John E. DuBois Hose Company, the Brewery Local 240, and the I.P.and S. Club. In addition to his wife, Mr. Reid leaves a daughter, Mrs.Joyce Howey, Vestal New York; a son, John J. Beaver; two sisters, Mrs.D. R. Shobert and Mrs. C. L. Brown, Dubois; and five grandchildren.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife: | Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley |
Thomas Reid
M, #3550, b. 23 January 1880, d. between 1934 and 1936
Thomas Reid was born on 23 January 1880 in Barclay, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA. He died between 1934 and 1936 in USA.
Notes of Lois Jean Reid Edwards: Thomas (Tom) Reid married and hadtwo children. He was unable to find employment and became 'a King ofthe Road' seeking employment. He knew the schedules of the trains andcould hop from one to another to get where he wished. His wife diedwhen the girls were small, so they were left with his wife's parents,the Clarks. He came back to visit many times. About 1932 when timeswere very bad, he came to Punxsutawney and lived with his brother,Robert and wife, Bert. He was a great help around the house as hecould cook and clean. All the brothers in the family kept him inclothes and a little spending money. This information is from RuthReid Neal, Tom Reid's brother, Robert's, daughter. Ruth spoke fondlyof him. She said he was killed in the railroad yards of Elgin,Illinois, although some in the family say Taylor, Illinois. Cliff Swanthought he died in 1934, but Jean Reid Edwards thinks 1936 as sheremembers him visiting in their home overnight. Andrew Reid's obituarydated 29/1/1932 lists Tom as a Punxsy resident. Mary and Margaret,Tom's children, went to live with Belle Clark Reid's parents after shedied. They took the Clark name. Family members tell they lived inClymer at one time. Still searching.
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5 May 2023 10:44:21 |