Hillbillies & Vikings

Person Page 6

Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley


F, #126

Family: Michael Welder

DaughterSarah Welder+ (b. 1 September 1802, d. 3 September 1864)


Anna was also known as Anna Welder.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Partner of James Devor (1st cousin 2 times removed of Hannah Jane Halley)


F, #127, b. June 1862


Anna was born in June 1862.1 She married James Devor, son of Nicholas Devor and Rachel Hayes, in 1882.
Anna was also known as Anna Devor. She witnessed the marriage of William Elmer Halley, Sr., and D'Light Beatrice Devor on 2 January 1909 in Greenville, Darke, Ohio, USA.2
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S8] Betty M. Mann, The Devore/De Vore Families 1500-1992 (Marceline, Missouri: Walsworth Publishing Company, 1992). Hereinafter cited as Devor Family.
  2. [S131] Halley-DeVor marriage, 2 Jan 1909, Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. CJD Personal Archives.
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Brockway Annie

F, #129, b. 1879


FatherFrancis A. Brockway (b. January 1826)
MotherIcyminda Canterbury (b. 7 May 1839)


Brockway Annie was born in 1879 in Alabama, USA.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Caroline Anthony

F, #130, b. 31 December 1855, d. 15 May 1930


Family: Henry Frantz (b. 19 December 1845, d. 9 September 1919)

DaughterRose Frantz+
SonHarry Frantz+ (b. 1876, d. 1947)
DaughterCaroline Frantz+ (b. 2 October 1879, d. 30 August 1948)
SonJacob Frantz (b. 1883, d. 1962)
SonLouis Frantz (b. 30 October 1885, d. 13 March 1914)


Caroline Anthony was born on 31 December 1855. She married Henry Frantz, son of Jacob Frantz and Catharine Bun, in 1876. Caroline Anthony died on 15 May 1930 in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 74. She was buried on 18 May 1930 in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA.
Caroline Anthony was also known as Caroline Frantz. Certificate of Death 1. Place of Death, County of Indiana, Townshipof Canoe 2. Full Name, Mrs. Caroline Frantz 3. Sex, female 4. Color,white 5. a. single, married widowed, divorced- widowed b. wife ofHenry Frantz 6. Date of Birth, Dec. 31, 1855 7. Age, 74 years, 5months, 15 days 8. Occupation, Housekeeper 9. Birthplace, France 10.Name of father, Harry Anthony 11. Birthplace of father, France 12.Maiden name of mother, Magdaline Hartman 13. Birthplace of mother,France 14. Informant, Henry Frantz, Clymer, Pa. 15. Filed May 18,1930, Mrs. Maud Moss, Registrar 16. Date of Death, May 15, 1930 17. Iherby certify that I attended the deceased from May 11, 1930 to May15, 1930, that I last saw her alive on May 15, 1930 and that deathoccurred on the date above at 11:00 p.m. The cause of death was asfollows: Cerebral Hemorrhage, duration unknown. 18. a. Did anoperation precede death?, no b. Was there an autopsy, No c. What testconfirmed diagnosis, Clinical and neurological Signed Ora Miller M.D.May 15. 1930, Rossiter, Pa. 19. Place of Burial, Union Cemetery, Dateof burial, May 18, 1930 20. Undertaker, H.I. Morrison, Punxsy, Pa.According to Vivian Doney Reid, Nick Anthony was a relative (acousin) of the Anthonys and lived in Connellsville. Pa. These Anthonyswere here before the Frantzs came to this country. The Frantzs mayhave stayed a while in Connellsville when they arrived in thiscountry. They may have lived in Adrian, PA. 'Uncle Harry Frantz' (hewas superintendent of the mines) had them come to Rossiter. It was anew town -the mine was just opening up. In 1901 J.C. and Carolinemoved to Rossiter (maybe with the Frantzs). They lived in a duplex-Grandma and Grandpa Frantz on one side and Caroline and J. C. on theother. Caroline Anthony was fat. She weighed about 200- 250 pounds.She always wore long (to the floor) gray or black dresses. She hadvery long hair. One time when Viv was at home alone with her, Viv wasin the bathtub getting ready to go somewhere. Grandma Frantz chose thewrong door in the dark and instead of going into the dining room shefell down the cellar steps. Viv heard a loud crack and then her GermanShepherd, King, started barking like crazy. When she went toinvestigate she found Grandma had fallen down the cellar steps and hadbroken her collar bone. She had also pulled a big hunk of hair out ofher head that had caught on something on the way down. Viv got her upand up the cellar steps and into bed. Then she went for the Doctor. Noone could believe she had gotten Grandma up the stairs by herselfbecause Grandma was so big. This incident occurred when Viv was about12 years old. Grandma Frantz said she was related to AlbertSchweitzer. Her cousin, Adam Schweitzer, went blind. He hadoperations in this country in Philadelphia and maybe someplace else,to try to correct the condition but they were unsuccessful. He and hisdaughter, Caroline Schweitzer, traveled to Paris to see if specialiststhere could help. The story goes that the Doctors in Paris told himthat there was nothing they could do because his eye muscles had beenstretched in the USA during the previous attempts to correct hisvision. After Adam died, Carolyn Schweitzer lived with CarolineAnthony Frantz. Caroline's aunt, Louise Fenstermaker, lived on PineStreet in Punxsy. Caroline married Fred Chambers, who had a hardwarestore in Punxsutawney. Who is Rose Barron? Vivian Doney Reid believedthat this was her great grandmother's name, not Magdaline Hartman.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Harry Anthony

M, #131

Family: Magdaline Hartman

DaughterCaroline Anthony+ (b. 31 December 1855, d. 15 May 1930)
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Christian Arbogast

M, #135

Family: Caroline Paulus

SonEdward Frederick Arbogast+ (b. 13 February 1896, d. 25 January 1981)
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Partner of Florence Thompson (2nd cousin 2 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow)
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Edward Frederick Arbogast

M, #137, b. 13 February 1896, d. 25 January 1981


Family: Florence Thompson (b. 4 July 1897, d. 26 April 1993)

DaughterHelen Josephine Arbogast (b. 7 September 1920, d. 2 October 1992)
SonEdward Frederick Arbogast, Jr. (b. 18 January 1923)
DaughterMary Lou Arbogast (b. 29 May 1928, d. 27 January 2019)


Edward Frederick Arbogast was born on 13 February 1896 in Stone Creek, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA. He married Florence Thompson, daughter of Vincent Thompson and Rachael Adeline Kelley, on 4 April 1918. Edward Frederick Arbogast died on 25 January 1981 at the age of 84. He was buried on 28 January 1981 in Stone Creek, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA.
Edward Frederick Arbogast was in Stone Creek, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 1 time removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Edward Frederick Arbogast, Jr.

M, #138, b. 18 January 1923


FatherEdward Frederick Arbogast (b. 13 February 1896, d. 25 January 1981)
MotherFlorence Thompson (b. 4 July 1897, d. 26 April 1993)


Edward Frederick Arbogast, Jr., was born on 18 January 1923 in Ohio, USA. He married Madelyn Brownfield in 1950.
Edward Frederick Arbogast, Jr., lived in Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan, USA.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 1 time removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Helen Josephine Arbogast

F, #139, b. 7 September 1920, d. 2 October 1992


FatherEdward Frederick Arbogast (b. 13 February 1896, d. 25 January 1981)
MotherFlorence Thompson (b. 4 July 1897, d. 26 April 1993)


Helen Josephine Arbogast was born on 7 September 1920 in Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA. She married John Harmon in 1940. She died on 2 October 1992 in Ohio, USA, at the age of 72. She was buried on 2 October 1992 in Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA.
Helen Josephine Arbogast was also known as Helen Josephine Harmon.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 1 time removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Mary Lou Arbogast

F, #143, b. 29 May 1928, d. 27 January 2019


FatherEdward Frederick Arbogast (b. 13 February 1896, d. 25 January 1981)
MotherFlorence Thompson (b. 4 July 1897, d. 26 April 1993)
Mary Lou Deetz (youthful photo


Mary Lou Arbogast was born on 29 May 1928 in New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA.1 She married Henry R. ("Hank") Deetz, son of Ferdinand Deetz and Clara Belle Shutt, on 10 March 1957. Mary Lou Arbogast died on 27 January 2019 in Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA, at the age of 90.2
Mary Lou Arbogast was also known as Mary Lou Deetz.
Last Edited 23 April 2023 22:55:19


  1. [S11] Letters and emails from Mary Lou Deetz (Dover, ,Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA) to Carl Jón Denbow, From 1993; Carl J. Denbow Personal Files (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718)..
  2. [S305] Mary Lou Deetz (1928-2019), The Times Reporter of Dover-New Philadelphia (Ohio), Dover, ,Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA, 30 Jan 2019, Online access: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/timesreporter/obituary-print.aspx?n=mary-lou-deetz&pid=191399047. Hereinafter cited as Times Repoter.
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:2nd cousin 2 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Louise (Bertie) Evans Archer1

F, #145, b. 8 October 1887


FatherGeorge M. Evans (b. 28 August 1849, d. 21 March 1939)
MotherAnna Maria Denbow (b. 14 February 1857, d. 12 November 1901)


Louise (Bertie) Evans Archer was born on 8 October 1887.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S12] Betty Marie Evans, "Email from Betty Marie Evans," e-mail message from Not recorded (Not recorded) to Carl J. Denbow, About 1995. Hereinafter cited as "Betty Evans Email".