Hillbillies & Vikings

Person Page 75

Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

William Frain

M, #1859, b. 1925


William Frain was born in 1925.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Nancy France

F, #1861


Nancy France married Pardon C. Hewitt, son of Ephriam Hewitt and Mariah Bobo, on 26 February 1860.
Nancy France was also known as Nancy Hewitt.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley


F, #1863, b. 1915


Francis was born in 1915. She married Walter Bailey, son of Bailey and Edna Anna Hemberger, in 1935.
Francis was also known as Francis Bailey.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Anna Maria Frank

F, #1864, b. 1881, d. 1925

Family: Samuel Richard Sherer (b. 12 May 1870, d. 1961)

DaughterHelen Marie Sherer (b. 1902)
SonJames Franklin Sherer (b. 1905)
DaughterLola Ruth Sherer (b. 1911)
SonRobert Virgil Sherer (b. 1916)
SonJohn Roland Sherer (b. 1925)


Anna Maria Frank was born in 1881. She married Samuel Richard Sherer, son of Francis M. Sherer and Margaret Jane Henderson, on 12 May 1902 in Crawford, Ohio, USA. Anna Maria Frank died in 1925 at the age of ~44.
Anna Maria Frank was also known as Anna Maria Sherer.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Caroline Frantz

F, #1868, b. 2 October 1879, d. 30 August 1948


FatherHenry Frantz (b. 19 December 1845, d. 9 September 1919)
MotherCaroline Anthony (b. 31 December 1855, d. 15 May 1930)

Family: John Calvin Doney (b. 30 May 1875, d. 18 February 1954)

SonCalvin Daniel Doney (b. 3 September 1900)
SonHenry Emerson Doney (b. 6 October 1903, d. December 1982)
DaughterLena Vivian Doney (b. 11 May 1911)
SonJohn Clifford Doney+ (b. 12 January 1914, d. 24 May 1986)


Caroline Frantz was born on 2 October 1879. She married John Calvin Doney, son of Daniel D. Doney and Susannah Holben, on 4 July 1899 in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.1 Caroline Frantz died on 30 August 1948 in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 68. She was buried on 2 September 1948 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA.
Caroline Frantz was also known as Caroline Doney. According to Vivian Doney Reid, Caroline Frantz came to the USA whenshe was 8 years old about 1888. According to Vivian Doney Reid,Caroline lived near Stuttgart sp ?, Germany. She and her family leftLe Havre in France to come to the USA in 1888. Vivian said the familywas from the Alsace Lorraine area of France. Vivian remembered oneclue that she thought might help to pinpoint the family location inFrance-- when Uncle Jake passed by, people used to say, 'there goesJake from 'Shellbach'. I looked at a map of France and did not findthe name of a town in France similar to this name, but I did find atown named Shellsburg in in Pennsylvania. Viv says Jake was never nearShellsburg, PA. May have lived near Strasbourg or Metz sp.?Certificate of Death, File No. 70726, 1. Place of Death a. County,Indiana b. Township, Canoe 2. Usual residence of deceased a. State,Pennsylvania b. County, Indiana c. City, Rossiter 3. Full Name, a.Caroline Frantz Doney b. U.S. Veteran, blank c. Social Security No.,blank 4. Sex, female 5. Color, white 6. a. Single, widowed, married,divorced- married b. Name of husband or wife, John Calvin Doney c. Ageof husband or wife, if alive, 75 years. 7. Birth date of deceased,Oct. 2, 1879 8. Age, 68 years, 10 months, 28 days 9. Birthplace,Alsace-Lorraine 10. Usual occupation, housewife 11. Industry orbusiness, blank 12. Name of father, Henry Frantz 13. Birthplace,Alsace- Lorraine 14. Mother's maiden name, Caroline Anthony 15.Birthplace, Alsace-Lorraine 16. Informant's own signature and address,J. C. Doney, Rossiter, Pa. 17. Burial, 2 September 1948, GreenwoodCemetery, Jefferson County, Pa. 18. Signature of funeral director, ?Morrison, Punxsutawney, Pa. 19. a. Date received by local registrar, 1Sept. 1948, b. Registrar's signature, Alice B. Leopold. 20. Date ofdeath: Month- August, day- 30, year- 1948, hour 10:45 P.M. 21. Ihereby certify that I attended the deceased from Aug. 20, 1948 to Aug.30, 1948, that I last saw her alive on August 30, 1948 and that deathoccurred on the date and hour stated above. Immediate cause of death,Auricular Fibrillation, duration, 3 years due to Congestive heartfailure and Myocardidtis (years). 22. Death due to external causes-accident, suicide, homicide, blank 23. Signature, ? McCauley M.D.,Punxsutawney, Pa. signed August 30, 1948. Caroline Frantz went to aLutheran School, maybe in Anita, PA. The Lutherans knew German andcould teach the immigrant children. She told Viv that one day she sawJ.C. Doney riding a bicycle and said I'm going to set my hat for him.How they met we really don't know. They married in 1899. In 1901 J.C.and Caroline moved to Rossiter (maybe with the Frantzs). They lived ina duplex- Grandma and Grandpa Frantz on one side and Caroline and J.C. on the other. This house is still standing (1994) on Main Street inRossiter where you turn to go up to Aunt Peg's. The house had a washhouse out back where they took a bath and got dressed. Later theDoneys purchased a boarding house. Viv doesn't know when, but she iscertain she lived there when she was in the first grade and maybebefore. Caroline and J.C. made the building into a boarding house.Whenthey closed the boarding house J.C. sold all the furniture to a manwho owned a hotel. The guy took the furniture but never paid for it.When Vivian Doney Reid was 8 or 9 she and her family took a tripthrough Ohio. Grandma & Grandpa Frantz, Cal and Caroline Doney, andtheir children. They took two cars- J.C. had a baby grand Chevy andDaniel had a white racing car. They went to Liberty Center, Ohio tosee Grandpa Frantz's brother- he had fought in the Civil War- helooked exactly like Grandpa Frantz- beard and full moustache. Theyalso went to Napoleon, Ohio where they visited the son of GrandpaFrantz's brother. They also visited Catherine Dillman (her mother wassome relative of the Frantz's). She lived near Napoleon. Note: Duringa telephone conversation with Jake Frantz on 1/16/95, he said thatsome relatives of the Frantzs lived in Napoleon, Ohio and that theyhad a cantelope farm there. He said that June would have known whothey were because they always sent cards to his Dad. A newly enactedlaw in Pa. created a $50 fine for cutting down an evergreen treewithout the owner's permission. That Christmas, Caroline Doney wantedtwo little trees for her front porch. Bill and Vivian were elected togo out into the woods to cut two trees. As usual, they drove to a spotwhere the trees were plentiful and Bill got out of the car to cut thetrees down. Just as he was finishing, the farmer, gun in hand, camerunning down the lane yelling at them. Viv, who was driving startedthe car, and tried to drive away, but it was stuck in the mud. Billgot out to push the car, the farmer getting closer by the second.Finally, the wheels caught and the car moved up out of the mud, andViv drove away leaving Bill and the farmer running behind her yelling.When they got home, Caroline said to Bill, 'Did you get the trees?' Hesaid, 'Yes, $100 worth.' Caroline and J.C. Doney took Caroyl Reid tovisit Sam and Rose Hunter. The two couples liked to play cardstogether. Sometimes they would stay up until 4 o'clock in the morningplaying cards. Grandma Doney liked to play '500'. Grandma Doney was anexcellent seamstress and cook. She made lots of clothes and also mademany cloth toys. A platform rocker in the possession of Susan ReidSharp was given to Caroline and J.C. Doney as a wedding present.Susan also has a bench with metal legs ending in claw feet whichbelonged to the Doneys .
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Harry Frantz

M, #1872, b. 1876, d. 1947


FatherHenry Frantz (b. 19 December 1845, d. 9 September 1919)
MotherCaroline Anthony (b. 31 December 1855, d. 15 May 1930)

Family: Nora Mitchell (b. 1880)

SonHenry Frantz+
SonJacob G. Frantz (b. 1899, d. 14 December 1903)
DaughterRose Frantz (b. 25 April 1907, d. 17 January 1910)


Harry Frantz was born in 1876. He died in 1947 at the age of ~71. He was buried in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA.
Occupation: Superintendent of three mines in Rossiter for theClearfield Bituminous Coal Co. He was also in charge of the Rossiterbaseball and football teams. This was serious business. Rossiter hadone of the best teams around. Harry paid good players to come and playfor the Rossiter teams. According to Vivian Doney Reid, asSuperintendent of the mines, Harry lived a big, brand new house builtespecially for the Superintendent. It had a large wrap-around porch.Harry always had men from the company to do any work that needed to bedone. She said there were always several men working in the yard, etc.Harry had a live-in 'maid' for himself called Hutta Jane. Sometimesthe family had two maids. One time when J. C. and Caroline Doney wereaway, Harry got mad at the C.B.C., 'blew his top' and quit his job. Heborrowed $10,000 from his mother, Caroline Anthony Frantz, who livedwith J.C. and Caroline Doney, to start a grocery store inPunxsutawney. The store was on Findley Street. Later, he moved toBrockway, Pa. and owned a grocery store there. Uncle Harry did not payCaroline Anthony back, and when she died, he got nothing.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Henry Frantz

M, #1873, b. 19 December 1845, d. 9 September 1919


Family: Caroline Anthony (b. 31 December 1855, d. 15 May 1930)

DaughterRose Frantz+
SonHarry Frantz+ (b. 1876, d. 1947)
DaughterCaroline Frantz+ (b. 2 October 1879, d. 30 August 1948)
SonJacob Frantz (b. 1883, d. 1962)
SonLouis Frantz (b. 30 October 1885, d. 13 March 1914)


Henry Frantz was born on 19 December 1845. He married Caroline Anthony, daughter of Harry Anthony and Magdaline Hartman, in 1876. Henry Frantz died on 9 September 1919 in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 73. He was buried on 12 September 1919 in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA.
Came to USA from France in 1888. One family story was that Henry wasan aid to Napoleon III in the Franco Prussian War. He was in thecavalry. He came to this country because he did not want his sons tofight for Germany. He hated Germans and always sang the Marsiellessp?. He was very patriotic about France. US Census 1910, Pennsylvania,Indiana County, Canoe Twp., Rossiter, Date of Enumeration, 7 May,Roll 1350, Vol. 124, ED 0063 Household No. 0283. Name, Frantz, HenrySr.; Relation, head; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday,64; Marital Status, married; Number of years of present marriage, 34;Place of birth, Fr French; Place of birth of father, Fr. French; Placeof birth of mother, Fr French, Year of Emmigration to United States,1888; Whether alien or naturalized, Na; Able to speak English orlanguage spoken, Eng; Trade or profession, none; Can read, yes; Canwrite, yes; Home: owned or rented, rented; Owned free or mortgaged, -;Farm or house, house. Name, Doney, Caroline; Relation, Wife; Sex, F;Color, white; Age at lst birthday, 54; Marital Status, married; numberof years of present marriage, 34; Mother of how many children: Numberborn-5, Number living-5; Place of Birth, Fr French; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,blank; Able to speak English or language spoken, English; Trade orprofession, none; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Frantz, Jacob;Relation, son; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 26;Marital status, single; Place of birth, Germ Fr; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,Na; Able to speak English or language spoken, Eng; Trade orprofession, miner; Nature of business or industry, Coal mine; Employeror Employee, W; Out of work on April 15, 1910, No; Number of monthsunemployed, 0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Robertson, Thomas;Relation, Boarder; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 34;Marital status, single; Place of birth, PA.; Place of birth of father,Scot Scotch; Place of birth of mother, Scot Scotch; Able to speakEnglish or language spoken, English; Trade or Profession, miner;Nature of business or industry, Coal Mine; Employer or Employee, W;Out of work on April 15, 1901, no; Number of months unemployed, 0; Canread, yes; Can write, yes; Home: owned or rented, this space has acheck mark. Note in the census, Jake was born in Germ Fr instead of Fr French what does this mean? Had Germany taken over that part ofFrance? Mother said that Grandpa Frantz hated the Germans. Also bothJake and Grandpa Frantz were naturalized- search those records.Certificate of Death, File No. ? 1. Place of Death, County ofIndiana, Township of Canoe, City of Rossiter 2. Full Name, HenryFrantz 3. sex, male 4. Color, white 5. Single, married, widowed,divorced- married 6. Date of birth, December 19, 1845 7. Age, 73years, 9 months, 9 days 8. Occupation, Night Watchman 9. Birthplace,Alces Loraine 10. Name of father, Jacob Frantz 11. Birthplace offather, Alces Loraine 12. Maiden name of mother, Catharine Bun 13.Birthplace of mother, Alces Loraine 14. The above is true to the bestof my knowledge, informant, Henry ? Frantz Jr., Rossiter, Pa. 15.Date, Sept. 12, 1919, J.W. Smith, Registrar 16. Date of Death,September 9, 1919 17. I hereby certify that I attended the deceasedfrom Sept. 7, 1919 to Sept. 9, 1919 and that I last saw him alive onSept. 9, 1919 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 7p.m. The cause of death was as follows: Chronic Interstitial Nephritisand Myocarditis. Signed J.F. Stouffer M.D., Sept. ?, 1919, Rossiter,Pa. 18. Length of residence: blank 19. Place of burial, UnionCemetery, Date of Burial, September 12, 1919 20. Undertaker, Chas. B.Robinson, Punxsutawney. According to Vivian Doney Reid, both Henry andCaroline Frantz lived with them in the Boarding House. Viv said thatGrandpa Frantz had some animals ( a cow and some chickens) but he wasnot a farmer. Before they moved to the Boarding House, Caroline Frantzused to sell milk. Viv remembers people coming to their house withtheir containers to buy milk. She thinks that maybe in France Henrymight have been a miner. In Rossiter at some point he was a nightwatchman. Both the Frantzs and the Doneys spoke German. But they werevery different. The Doneys were Pennsylvania Dutch and their Germanhad a very sing song quality. Viv could understand German because itwas always spoken in her home. The 1910 Census above shows a boarderin the Frantz household, Tommy Robertson. When the Doney's bought theBoarding House and the Frantzs moved there with them, so did Tommy.Viv remembers that he used to pay her a nickel to sing 'Its a Long Wayto Tipperary ' to him. According to Vivian Doney Reid her GrandfatherFrantz was a great guy who made all the holidays fun. On Easter heused to take them into the barn where the Easter bunny had constructedlittle nests containing treats and eggs. He usually spied the EasterBunny hopping away and as the children looked they could see him too.On Christmas Eve Vivian and her family went to church but the Frantzsstayed at home. After church, when the children came home, theChristmas tree was decorated and Santa had come. After the presentswere opened 'Santa' in the person of Uncle Jake Frantz usually stoppedby for a visit. Vivian remembers being scared of Santa.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Henry Frantz

M, #1874


FatherHarry Frantz (b. 1876, d. 1947)
MotherNora Mitchell (b. 1880)

Family: Bernadine Neal

SonHenry Louis Frantz (b. 1923, d. 1928)


Had 2 children who died of whooping cough.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:Not Related to Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Henry Louis Frantz

M, #1875, b. 1923, d. 1928



Henry Louis Frantz was born in 1923. He died in 1928 at the age of ~5.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21