Hillbillies & Vikings

Person Page 155

Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 2 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Lloyd Wayne Sharp

M, #3851, b. 6 February 1897, d. 18 March 1956


FatherAndrew Vance Sharp (b. 8 November 1869, d. 18 March 1922)
MotherMaude Elsie Sherer (b. 26 November 1879, d. 3 September 1966)


Lloyd Wayne Sharp was born on 6 February 1897 in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA. He died on 18 March 1956 in Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA, at the age of 59. He was buried in Ohio, USA.
According to his mother's notes, LLoyd was born at his home inBucyrus , Ohio on Saturday evening at 6:00 P.M. on 6 February 1897.LLoyd graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. While a studentat the University he was one of the founding members of 'The CampusOwls', a dance band still in existence in 1994. He and his brother Bobplayed in the band to help defray expenses. 'Shorty', as LLoyd wasknown, was a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity at Miami. Shorty wasa music teacher in Camden and Niles, Ohio for a few years. He and hiswife, Cyrena, 'Cy', were fond of ' the good life'. So after a fewyears Shorty left the teaching profession and entered the insurancebusiness. He also sold stocks and bonds for a Dayton, Ohio basedcompany. This new career took him to Youngstown, Ohio, and Texas.Finally, the family settled in Eaton, Ohio. He and Cy had a 'live-in'maid, belonged to 'The Youngstown Club', and LLoyd did not want hiswife to work. Shorty was someone who could get along with anyone. Hewas very gregarious and associated with people from all walks of life.He died of cancer in a Dayton hospital. He was 59 years, 1 month, and12 days old. These notes are from the recollections of RobertHenderson Sharp, Shorty's brother. Services were held at The BarnesFuneral Home in Eaton, Ohio on March 21, 1956 at 2:00 P.M. TheReverends Herman A. Sayre and Richard Coad officiated. Pall bearerswere Walter Earley, Robert Barnd, Wendell Aker, Sam Fulks, FredBrower, and James Foster. The place of burial was Mound Hill Cemeteryin Eaton, Ohio. Lloyd Wayne Sharp was christened in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA.
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 3 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Luella May Sharp1

F, #3854, b. 22 July 1867, d. 30 November 1873


FatherJoseph Walton Sharp (b. 14 August 1838)
MotherElizabeth A. Kelly


Luella May Sharp was born on 22 July 1867.1 She died on 30 November 1873 at the age of 6.1
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21


  1. [S2] "Robert BARTON Research in Sharp and Related Families", 19 Jun 2006, Robert Barton (email address), to Carl J. Denbow (email address); Barton Personal Files, 4624 Hoylake Dr., Virginia Beach, Independent City, Virginia, USA, 23462. Hereinafter cited as "Rob Barton's Research".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:1st cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Margaret Sharp

F, #3855, b. 10 October 1848, d. 1859


FatherThomas Sharp (b. 2 April 1802, d. 30 January 1875)
MotherMargaret Stine (b. 1810, d. 31 January 1864)


Margaret Sharp was born on 10 October 1848 in Ohio, USA. She died in 1859 at the age of ~11. She was buried in Prattsville, Vinton, Ohio, USA.
Tombstone in the old Prattsville Cemetery reads MARGARETT (all caps), Dau of T & M, Sharp, Died, June... stone broken here, Aged, 10years, 5 months,10 days. (According to the U.S. Census records thisage cannot be correct. The stone is hard to read, but I have beenthere twice to look at it and this appears to be what it says.) Birthand death dates given to me by Sherry Hunter Strickland in a letterdated 21 March 1995 from information contained in the family recordsof her Uncle Bill seem to confirm the above age at death. Censusrecords may have said Margaret when Martha was the child they meant?
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:2nd cousin 3 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Margaret E. Sharp

F, #3856, b. 5 June 1868


FatherWilliam A. Sharp (b. 1 January 1844)
MotherAnna McKibben (b. 1841)


Margaret E. Sharp was born on 5 June 1868 in Vinton, Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:1st cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Marian Sharp

F, #3858, b. 1827


FatherBenjamin Sharp (b. 1790, d. June 1837)
MotherJulian McCreary (b. 1805)

Family: John Eberhardt (b. 1825)

DaughterMargaret J. Eberhardt (b. 1848)
SonCharles M. Eberhardt (b. July 1850)


Marian Sharp was born in 1827 in Ohio, USA.
Marian Sharp was also known as Marian Eberhardt. . .U.S. Census 1850, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Goshen Township, page 505, Dwelling No. 408, taken 26 August 1850. The name Marian is sometimes seen as Mary Ann . She and her husband, John Eberhardt, and children were all listed as having been born in Ohio. John is listed as a laborer with real estate valued at $75. Mary Ann and her family are living in the same county and township as her Mother, Julian Sharp Merryman, and her sister, Sarah Jane Sharp Walker. Marian and John have two children: Margaret J.?,female, age 2; and Charles M.?, male age 1/12.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:1st cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Martha Sharp

F, #3859, b. 14 February 1839


FatherThomas Sharp (b. 2 April 1802, d. 30 January 1875)
MotherMargaret Stine (b. 1810, d. 31 January 1864)


Martha Sharp was born on 14 February 1839.
Date of birth and name of child given to Susan Sharp by Sherry Hunter Strickland from family records of her Uncle Bill in a letter dated 21 March 1995. This child appears in the US Census for 1850.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd great-grandmother of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Martha A. Sharp

F, #3860, b. 1798, d. 1855


FatherJames Elias Sharp (b. 24 April 1771, d. 2 February 1857)
MotherSarah Ware (b. about 1774, d. about 1839)

Family: John Denbow, Sr., (b. 10 February 1797, d. 14 April 1862)

SonBazzel Denbow+ (b. 14 January 1819, d. 23 November 1896)
DaughterEdith Denbow+ (b. 1821)
SonJames Denbow+ (b. 20 April 1824, d. 18 April 1863)
DaughterElizabeth Denbow+ (b. 1827, d. 1890)
SonJohn Denbow, Jr.+ (b. 9 August 1827, d. 21 March 1905)
DaughterSarah Ann Denbow+ (b. 1829, d. 1864)
DaughterSusan Denbow+ (b. 27 January 1831, d. 7 October 1888)
SonLevi Denbow+ (b. 29 November 1832, d. 10 September 1911)
SonGeorge Washington Denbow+ (b. 8 August 1834, d. 13 January 1906)
SonJackson Denbow (b. 8 August 1834, d. 1852)
SonWilliam Denbow+ (b. 25 April 1839, d. 3 February 1919)
SonMartin Denbow+ (b. 25 September 1842, d. 2 February 1913)
Martha Sharp


Martha A. Sharp was born in 1798 in Maryland, USA.1 She married John Denbow, Sr., son of Thomas Denbow and Unknown Wife Of Thomas, on 9 March 1818 in Harford, Maryland, USA.2 Martha A. Sharp died in 1855 in Ohio, USA, at the age of ~57.
Martha A. Sharp was also known as Martha A. Denbow.3 She married John Denbow, Sr., son of Thomas Denbow and Unknown Wife Of Thomas, on 9 March 1819 in Harford, Maryland, USA.3 Martha A. Sharp was living in 1828 in Harrison, Ohio, USA.4 In a letter to Susan Sharp from Laura Wagner of Carroll County, Ohio, dated August 15, 1994, Mrs. Wagner states that Iona Albaugh Burrier's uncle was Solomon Albaugh, husband of Kesiah Sharp. Mrs. Burrier wrote a little history of the Kilgore Area, Goose Run, and Mingo. In this booklet which is in the possession of Laura Wagner, Mrs. Burrier indicates that Martha Denbow is the daughter of Elias Sharp. She also says that Martha was born in 1798 and married John Denbow in Harford County, Maryland in 1818. Martha went to Monroe County, Ohio and she had six sons who served in the Civil War.4 She resided in Monroe, Ohio, USAGO+, in 1849.5 She and John Denbow, Sr., appeared on the census on 31 July 1850 in Lewisville, Monroe, Ohio, USA. Bazzel Denbow, son, and family are listed as neighbors on this census.6 She died in 1855 in Lewisville, Monroe, Ohio, USA, at the age of ~57.1
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21


  1. [S10] Thomas W. Thompson, The Thompson Geneology [sic], 2nd Edition (812 Boulevard, Dover, Ohio 44622: Express Press Inc., 20 Jul 1979), p. 2, Denbow Section. Hereinafter cited as Thompson Genealogy.
  2. [S16] Sandy Denbow Jameyson, "Sandy Denbow Jameyson Correspondence, both email and postal," email address (113 Grove St., Lodi, Ohio 44254) to Carl J. Denbow, From 1993. Hereinafter cited as "Sandy Correspondence".
  3. [S216] Jon H. Livezey and Helene M. Davis, Harford County, Maryland Marriage Licenses, 1777-1865 (100 Railroad Ave. #104, Westminster, MD 21157: Heritage Books Inc., 2010), p. 64. Hereinafter cited as Harford County Marriage Bonds.
  4. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
  5. [S89] Clerk: Lloyd, James Sharp v. Thomas Ayres, Book D, pp. 709, 710, 711 (Carroll County Court House: Carroll County Common Pleas Court Carroll County Common Pleas Court, 1848). Hereinafter cited as Sharp V. Ayres.
  6. [S38] John and Martha Denbow, 1850 U.S. Census, 700 Pennsylvania Ave.; NW, Washington,, District of Columbia, USA, 20408, population schedule, Center Township, ED 106, SD ?, sheet 455 (889), Family# 149, NARA Roll: M432_712; Page: 445A; Image: 510.
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:2nd cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Mary Esther Sharp1

F, #3861, b. 2 February 1849


FatherJohn Sharp, Jr. (b. 15 June 1801)
MotherHannah Beson


Mary Esther Sharp was born on 2 February 1849.1 She married Jeffreys.1
Mary Esther Sharp was also known as Mary Esther Jeffreys.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S2] "Robert BARTON Research in Sharp and Related Families", 19 Jun 2006, Robert Barton (email address), to Carl J. Denbow (email address); Barton Personal Files, 4624 Hoylake Dr., Virginia Beach, Independent City, Virginia, USA, 23462. Hereinafter cited as "Rob Barton's Research".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:4th cousin 1 time removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Maryjane Sharp

F, #3862, b. 5 May 1923


FatherClarence Bryan Sharp (b. 29 May 1896, d. 29 January 1974)
MotherMildred Cline McMullen (b. 3 December 1891, d. July 1975)


Maryjane Sharp was born on 5 May 1923 in Albion, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:1st cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Morris Sharp

M, #3865, b. 3 October 1835


FatherThomas Sharp (b. 2 April 1802, d. 30 January 1875)
MotherMargaret Stine (b. 1810, d. 31 January 1864)

Family: Sina L. Hill

DaughterE. Sharp (b. 17 June 1872)


Morris Sharp was born on 3 October 1835 in Ohio, USA. He married Sina L. Hill on 12 December 1861. He married Elizabeth B. Hull on 23 September 1871 in Vinton, Ohio, USA.
Book: Marriages in Vinton County, Ohio 1850-1870 by Mary J. Hixon andFrances Hixon. Morris Sharp and Sina L. Hill 12 December 1861. U.S.Census 1870, Vinton County, Ohio, Madison Township, page 129. MorrisSharp, age 34, is listed as living with Thomas Sharp. He 'works onfarm' and was born in Ohio. He has no wife listed. The date of birthwas given to me by Sherry Hunter Strickland in a letter dated 21March 1995. The information came from the family records of her UncleBill.
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:2nd cousin 4 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Oliver Sharp1

M, #3867, b. 1 July 1841


FatherJohn Sharp, Jr. (b. 15 June 1801)
MotherHannah Beson


Oliver Sharp was born on 1 July 1841.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S2] "Robert BARTON Research in Sharp and Related Families", 19 Jun 2006, Robert Barton (email address), to Carl J. Denbow (email address); Barton Personal Files, 4624 Hoylake Dr., Virginia Beach, Independent City, Virginia, USA, 23462. Hereinafter cited as "Rob Barton's Research".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd great-grandaunt of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Rebecca Sharp

F, #3870, b. after 1791


FatherJames Elias Sharp (b. 24 April 1771, d. 2 February 1857)
MotherSarah Ware (b. about 1774, d. about 1839)


Rebecca Sharp was born after 1791.1 She married James Larkins on 13 December 1831 in Harrison, Ohio, USA.2
Rebecca Sharp was also known as Rebecca Larkins.3 She lived about 1848 in Perry, Ohio, USA.3
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S117] Carl J. Denbow is soley responsible for this hypothesis and will replace it with more accurate data as soon as that becomes available. At this point this data seems the most reasonable assumption given the known facts and makes a good circumstantial case.
  2. [S197] Harrison County, Ohio, Marriage Index -- Rebecca Sharp-James Larkins: Marriage Record: Book B, Page 183, Sharp Rebecca to James Larkins, 13 December 1831, ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Index -- Sharp-Larkins.
  3. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:3rd cousin 2 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Robert Henderson Sharp

M, #3871, b. 12 March 1904


FatherAndrew Vance Sharp (b. 8 November 1869, d. 18 March 1922)
MotherMaude Elsie Sherer (b. 26 November 1879, d. 3 September 1966)


Robert Henderson Sharp was born on 12 March 1904 in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA. He married Kathryn Margaret Tadsen, daughter of Nick T. Tadsen and Dorothea Marie Lorenzen, on 29 December 1934 in St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA.1
Bob was born on Saturday, March 12.1904 at noon in his family home in Bucyrus, Ohio. His Mother noted this fact in her chronology of family events.1 Robert Henderson Sharp was christened after 12 March 1904 in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA. Bob recalls visiting his grandparents, Elias and Mary Sharp, on their Vinton County farm near Lake Hope when he was a boy. He would leave Bucyrus, Ohio, on the train. The railroad tracks ran right through his grandparents farm, so he said instead of riding to the station, when the train got to their farm it would slow down, they would throw his bag off the train and then lower him to the ground and he would pick up his bag and run across the fields to his grandparents' house. He said he slept up stairs in a large loft-like room in a bed with a feather tick. He said his grandmother, Mary Bobo Sharp, smoked a pipe. We have a picture of her with it. The Sharp's had an outhouse with an apple tree next to it. Bob said when you were sitting in there, occasionally, an apple would drop and hit the tin roof and scare you to death. The Sharp's had an orchard and grew corn. They also dug their own coal from a mine just across the road from their house. They had a pony named Bill and a horse named Jim. We have pictures of them from a July 1919 visit to the farm.1 He was educated in 1922 in graduated Bucyrus High School, Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, USA.1 He graduated from A.B.; Miami University, Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA, in 1927.1 After graduation from Miami he moved to Niles, Ohio joining his mother and his brother, Shorty. Bob taught History at Washington Junior High School for 3 years and he taught English at Niles McKinley High School for 2 or 3 years.1 He graduated from M.A. in Education; Ohio State University, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USA, in 1941.1 Between 1941 and 1972 Robert Henderson Sharp was a worked in the Niles City School System a total of 45 years. in Principal; Niles McKinley High School, Niles, Trumbull, Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited 31 July 2022 15:18:50


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".
Relationship to owner of this site and his wife:2nd cousin 3 times removed of Carl Jón Denbow
Not Related to Hannah Jane Halley

Salinda Ella Sharp

F, #3875, b. 9 February 1879, d. 1948


FatherJohn T. Sharp (b. 19 October 1833, d. 13 May 1902)
MotherCillenda E. Bolen (b. 4 February 1847, d. 30 April 1932)


Salinda Ella Sharp was born on 9 February 1879 in Madison Twp., Vinton, Ohio, USA.1 She died in 1948 in Ohio, USA, at the age of ~69. She was buried in 1948 in Hebbardsville, Athens, Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited 5 May 2023 10:44:21


  1. [S86] "Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.", (Mainly 1990s), Susan Sharp (215 Oak St., Hillsboro, OH 45133), to Carl Jón Denbow (17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718); Carl J. Denbow Personal Files, 17 Coventry Lane, Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, 45701-3718. Hereinafter cited as "Susan Sharp's Research Notes".